Apr 20, 04:41 PM
Alfa Brera - yes please :P (hope to get a mito when I get my license)
Image (http://www.automk.com/media/2008/04//55301-b-alf_opt.jpg)
I know it's about NOT your car, but here's 'someone elses' Brera S that 'someone else' bought last year! 'Someone else' Loooves this car.
Image (http://www.automk.com/media/2008/04//55301-b-alf_opt.jpg)
I know it's about NOT your car, but here's 'someone elses' Brera S that 'someone else' bought last year! 'Someone else' Loooves this car.

Apr 25, 03:50 PM
System Preferences > Network > AirPort > Advanced > AirPort > Preferred Networks:
Dec 3, 07:53 PM
Link (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.youwall.com/papel/sexy_christmas_girl_wallpaper_29b13.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.youwall.com/index.php%3Fver%3DMjg3Ng%3D%3D&usg=__NPTg8-cSA8miURIgHSuptg5HwCQ=&h=1200&w=1920&sz=330&hl=en&start=159&sig2=IM6Er8u0qRQJEJ85utnbTA&zoom=1&tbnid=yJNITrgYEncrsM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=191&ei=_J35TIPPE4G78gaCzNSdCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsexy%2Bwallpapers%2Bfor%2Bchristmas%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%2 6rls%3Den%26biw%3D1405%26bih%3D655%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C4042&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1090&vpy=221&dur=414&hovh=137&hovw=219&tx=209&ty=93&oei=v535TIbUPMKAlAf1q42pBw&esq=14&page=8&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:159&biw=1405&bih=655)
Link (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.youwall.com/papel/sexy_christmas_girl_wallpaper_29b13.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.youwall.com/index.php%3Fver%3DMjg3Ng%3D%3D&usg=__NPTg8-cSA8miURIgHSuptg5HwCQ=&h=1200&w=1920&sz=330&hl=en&start=159&sig2=IM6Er8u0qRQJEJ85utnbTA&zoom=1&tbnid=yJNITrgYEncrsM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=191&ei=_J35TIPPE4G78gaCzNSdCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsexy%2Bwallpapers%2Bfor%2Bchristmas%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dsafari%26sa%3DX%2 6rls%3Den%26biw%3D1405%26bih%3D655%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C4042&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1090&vpy=221&dur=414&hovh=137&hovw=219&tx=209&ty=93&oei=v535TIbUPMKAlAf1q42pBw&esq=14&page=8&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:159&biw=1405&bih=655)
Apr 1, 05:28 PM
The Post Your Mac Set-up thread has all the links to the previous threads.. How about we do the same for here? Just incase you want it. It's interesting to see the desktops throughout the years. I'm such a geek.
Man, Mac OS looked horrible back then. Even below 10.4:eek:
Man, Mac OS looked horrible back then. Even below 10.4:eek:

Dec 20, 03:48 PM
It's official... none of my friends could name the man in the pic! :eek:
I guess I have to find new friends. :p
I guess I have to find new friends. :p

jafan pit
Nov 23, 11:02 PM
Lets face it, Mail on iphone blows when compared to blackberry. There is no security like blackberry has on top of the entirely inadequate mail program.
You can't search well beyond the most recent emails. on a blackberry you can search thousands of recent emails and it just works.
You can't search well beyond the most recent emails. on a blackberry you can search thousands of recent emails and it just works.

Feb 27, 03:44 PM
Will the world be the same as we know it after iPad 2 is announced on March 2nd?
What will happen to our computers? Will they be rendered obsolete? :eek:
What will happen to our computers? Will they be rendered obsolete? :eek:

Sep 30, 11:31 AM
If only their hardware people had felt that way... :(

Guarding the Gates of Hell

Hell Cemetery Gates

The Gates of Hell on History

the gates of hell rodin

Gates of Hell Online Free

The Gates of Hell

Rake at the Gates of Hell

gates to hell.

Mar 20, 07:45 AM
Philalbe, based on what you've said, he sounds like someone you really don't want to be doing business with. In the end, the pay would have to be a lot better than that for it to be worth all the stress.
If I can offer you just a little bit of advice, having run my own business for quite a number of years, it would be this� Firstly, you're charging WAY too little. I did too when I started out. That's why this guy back-pedalled IMO, not because he's a nice guy, but because he realises that no one else will do the quality of work you're doing at this price. I could be wrong, but he sounds like some people I've seen before. He knows you're a bit green in business, and he'll take advantage of it to save every penny he can, hence the line that 3 hours is all he can afford. You have to be confident in your service and your prices and set them accordingly. If he values the service you offer, he will pay the price. If not, he'll go in search of the next person gullible enough to pay what he's offering, and he will. This kind of person places no value in establishing long-term business relationships and he offers very little value to you and your business.
I know you're only starting out and you're keen to get any work you can, but in the long term it's going to bite you because a lot of the customers you're establishing now at this price are going to start taking it for granted. I don't know what the going rates are in your area, but you need to find out. I'll bet you people are charging upwards of 4 or 5 times that amount.
Good luck! :)
If I can offer you just a little bit of advice, having run my own business for quite a number of years, it would be this� Firstly, you're charging WAY too little. I did too when I started out. That's why this guy back-pedalled IMO, not because he's a nice guy, but because he realises that no one else will do the quality of work you're doing at this price. I could be wrong, but he sounds like some people I've seen before. He knows you're a bit green in business, and he'll take advantage of it to save every penny he can, hence the line that 3 hours is all he can afford. You have to be confident in your service and your prices and set them accordingly. If he values the service you offer, he will pay the price. If not, he'll go in search of the next person gullible enough to pay what he's offering, and he will. This kind of person places no value in establishing long-term business relationships and he offers very little value to you and your business.
I know you're only starting out and you're keen to get any work you can, but in the long term it's going to bite you because a lot of the customers you're establishing now at this price are going to start taking it for granted. I don't know what the going rates are in your area, but you need to find out. I'll bet you people are charging upwards of 4 or 5 times that amount.
Good luck! :)

Mar 29, 09:47 AM
Why does eBay not work?

Taustin Powers
Dec 22, 02:28 AM
I find your ideas compelling and would like to subscribe to your newsletter!

Mar 27, 06:41 PM
I reported it and bid $1000 so that nobody will be a high bidder and get scammed!!!

Feb 10, 05:12 AM
Individual plans for $20 per month, FamilyTalk� for $30 per month (up to 5 lines)
We want lower prices!
Enough with offering more gimmick features for more $$.
We want lower prices!
Enough with offering more gimmick features for more $$.

Apr 7, 08:52 PM
Good work! I've just double checked your figures and they are accurate (ahem)
I suppose the original question should have been, "What have Apple got in there?"
Maybe Steve Jobs has another hobby going, a new Xserve!
For a while I mixed up exabyte and petabyte, so I thought a petabyte was 1024 exabytes which was 1024 terabytes. Now it makes sense.
I suppose the original question should have been, "What have Apple got in there?"
Maybe Steve Jobs has another hobby going, a new Xserve!
For a while I mixed up exabyte and petabyte, so I thought a petabyte was 1024 exabytes which was 1024 terabytes. Now it makes sense.

Dec 9, 03:58 PM
Link to original please!
Link to original please!

Mar 16, 03:16 PM
Can these people please go away? Aren't we all tired of being embarrassed by them?
I know I am.
A shocking little ditty appeared today on The Buzz, the political blog of the St. Petersberg Times, about the passage through subcommittee of what most folks are calling the "sagging pants bill." The bill is what is sounds like. The "sagging pants bill," HB 61, is known less colloquially as the "Code of Student Conduct" bill, and it includes comprehensive dress code regulations for public school students.
The dress code is probably a good idea. As school uniform proponents have understood forever, adolescence is stressful enough without worrying about the vagaries of fashion. Less obviously inspired is the bill's insistence that kids without a 2.0 GPA be barred from extracurricular activities during their junior and senior years. What effect will that have on kids who are (rightfully) bored out of their minds in class but excel at forensics or band? Or, less sympathetically (but no less significantly), football? For some kids, extracurriculars are the only ticket out of town.
But forget about that for a moment, because there's something far weirder and more perverse about this bill than its contents: its supporters. The Buzz story featured a really remarkable quote from one of these creatures, a Republican representative from Naples named Kathleen Passidomo. Here it is. Brace yourself.

Welcome to the gates of hell.

first time “gates of Hell”

of his sculptures,
I know I am.
A shocking little ditty appeared today on The Buzz, the political blog of the St. Petersberg Times, about the passage through subcommittee of what most folks are calling the "sagging pants bill." The bill is what is sounds like. The "sagging pants bill," HB 61, is known less colloquially as the "Code of Student Conduct" bill, and it includes comprehensive dress code regulations for public school students.
The dress code is probably a good idea. As school uniform proponents have understood forever, adolescence is stressful enough without worrying about the vagaries of fashion. Less obviously inspired is the bill's insistence that kids without a 2.0 GPA be barred from extracurricular activities during their junior and senior years. What effect will that have on kids who are (rightfully) bored out of their minds in class but excel at forensics or band? Or, less sympathetically (but no less significantly), football? For some kids, extracurriculars are the only ticket out of town.
But forget about that for a moment, because there's something far weirder and more perverse about this bill than its contents: its supporters. The Buzz story featured a really remarkable quote from one of these creatures, a Republican representative from Naples named Kathleen Passidomo. Here it is. Brace yourself.

Jan 11, 04:33 PM
Yea the last one was ridiculous, and crazy overpriced for what it was -the 4cyl was quoted around $30,000 and didn't have automatic *anything*, the seats felt like park benches, and it didn't have any of the nice interior features the 6cyl that cost 35+ did.
It had cool trunk hinges and tail lights, though. And that 2.0T is a neat engine (I'm sad they are launching the 2011 with a 2.5.. wtf?!)
It had cool trunk hinges and tail lights, though. And that 2.0T is a neat engine (I'm sad they are launching the 2011 with a 2.5.. wtf?!)

Apr 11, 05:52 PM
Thanks! Oops,thought I did. I'll move it

Apr 28, 01:35 PM
Bring it to sprint. Pretty sure sprint uses CDMA, but might have to change a few things inside.
Feb 13, 01:04 AM
Weird question, why is F@H showing up as a user level process? I remember it used to show up as a nice process when I ran it last years ago. It's set to idle level in the setup of course and I never noticed till now because it seems to be behaving as a nice process but it's not showing up as one.
Apr 7, 09:12 AM
Hopefully it fixes Home Sharing on the iPod Touch.
Jan 9, 05:22 PM
It was a shame there was no leopard / iLife stuff, and on the one hand it was kinda sad to see the name change.
But on the other isn't this just an example of Apple being innovative, changing with the times, and keeping ahead of the game - skating to where the puck's going, and all that?
Not being innovative, changing with the times, and keeping ahead of the game are all things that I thought people like accusing MS of being? So here are Apple being all those things, and still people aren't happy.
My money's on iLife 07 having a bit of a revamp and greater integration with Leopard. I know some of the Apple consistency in design has been a bit AWOL recently, but I wonder if they've been trying things out, and perhaps with leopard / iLife 07 everything will come together again. My oersonal pref for a UI would be something not dissimilar to Aperture - more pro looking than iLife, but a bit more attractive and inviting than final cut etc.
I also think the macs themselves are all pretty much up to date - so we'll likely see a good spread of stuff through the year - iPhone now, leopard/iLife very soon, and mac revisions appearing very soon after that.
But on the other isn't this just an example of Apple being innovative, changing with the times, and keeping ahead of the game - skating to where the puck's going, and all that?
Not being innovative, changing with the times, and keeping ahead of the game are all things that I thought people like accusing MS of being? So here are Apple being all those things, and still people aren't happy.
My money's on iLife 07 having a bit of a revamp and greater integration with Leopard. I know some of the Apple consistency in design has been a bit AWOL recently, but I wonder if they've been trying things out, and perhaps with leopard / iLife 07 everything will come together again. My oersonal pref for a UI would be something not dissimilar to Aperture - more pro looking than iLife, but a bit more attractive and inviting than final cut etc.
I also think the macs themselves are all pretty much up to date - so we'll likely see a good spread of stuff through the year - iPhone now, leopard/iLife very soon, and mac revisions appearing very soon after that.
Sep 26, 10:25 AM
I chose not to comment about the situation but to say....what a sad, screwed up world we live in. Take what you may out of that.
Oct 17, 04:03 PM
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