Monday, May 30, 2011

anime love kiss drawings

anime love kiss drawings. sketch : kiss by *nami86 on
  • sketch : kiss by *nami86 on

  • jmthigpen
    May 3, 09:27 PM
    just getting started...iPad 3!

    anime love kiss drawings. death-note-kiss
  • death-note-kiss

  • billystlyes
    May 2, 11:47 AM
    "Bugs". That's so funny. Like it wasn't something indented by Big Brother, make that Apple. We truly do have a new evil empire now.

    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. cute
  • emo anime love kiss. cute

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 17, 04:36 PM
    Few bucks!!! The cheapest HD-DVD player the Toshiba HD-A1 is now under $400. I have seen the XA1 for under $600 now. The cheapest BD player is $999 and don't even bring up the PS3!! People are not going in droves to buy a PS3 just to play their BD-ROM media. Also, it will not even be available for a while.

    PS3 = November 24. But if you're not already on a waiting list (and near the front) don't count on getting yours before Christmas.

    The only difference between the Toshiba A1 and XA1 is that the XA1 has a different front bezel and a serial control interface. There is no difference in audio, video or other capabilities. Don't buy the XA1 unless you're using an AMX, Crestron, Zantec or similar control system that uses a serial control.

    That being said, I saw the RCA version of the A1 at my Local Sam's Club last week for $329.99.

    OTOH, when considering the next generation HD-DVD players and announced prices in comparison with BluRay and the curious fact that all HD-DVD features thus far average $8 more from most retailers vs. Blu-Ray, the cost of the two formats is identical to a consumer who picks up a library of about 40 or more films. At current pricing, buying a $1K BluRay player and 100 movies (oh, wait there aren't 100 movies yet), would be cheaper than a $400 HD-DVD player and 100 movies (also not that many yet). So it's too early to tell what's going to happen....

    IMO, I wouldn't buy the Samsung BP1000 player anyway. It's a complete turd and there's a lot more wrong with it than the image softening effect going on in the scaler. IMO, I doubt any firmware update is going to fix this player and Samsung is going to try and patch it as best as they can and move on as quietly as possible.

    Also the PS3 will be to BluRay what the PS2 was to DVD... It will just be a capable player and nothing more. You won't get the advanced audio capabilities of the BDP-S1 player or the same color depth and image processing hardware. The PS3 uses a software-based player, which does leave some room for future upgrades though. While I have not seen a PS3 in action, I've been two several Sony demonstrations of the BDP-S1 and several of their reps have said that the PS3 will be a second-rate player and primarily a game system.. Well, duh.

    Not that it really matters... Current estimages from IGN and others put PS3 pre-order numbers at a staggering 14 million (world-wide). I think that's a gross over-estimate given the PS3's intro price. But even if it's half of that, that pretty much ensures instant BluRay success overnight. Toshiba has yet to ship 200,000 HD-DVD units.

    And no I don't think the format "war" will end anytime soon... I just don't see either format losing enough ground to actually be pulled from the market.

    anime love kiss drawings. I love Yazawa#39;s drawing style
  • I love Yazawa#39;s drawing style

  • Blakjack
    Apr 25, 12:41 PM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    No u havn't been holding out. You just didnt give a s***!

    1st gen?!! WOW! LOL


    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. emo anime
  • emo anime love kiss. emo anime

  • zioxide
    Jan 10, 05:04 PM
    lol, shutting off dish network's wall of monitors was funny, but ****ing with the presentations was immature and stupid.

    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. emo anime
  • emo anime love kiss. emo anime

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:15 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    No, not really. I can only speak for myself, but I would have said "Hey, you forgot to charge my card." Kinda seems obvious.


    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. emo anime
  • emo anime love kiss. emo anime

  • jav6454
    Dec 10, 02:45 PM
    ...running at 3.7 ghz, the temps are in the low 80's C. not good. we'll see how it goes

    Yeah, that is not good. Thermal paste perhaps?

    anime love kiss drawings. anime love kiss wallpaper.
  • anime love kiss wallpaper.

  • charlituna
    Jan 5, 08:32 AM
    And why does no iPhone on Jan 4th mean nothing for the rest of 2011??

    Indeed. THe rumors were everything from Dec 27, 2010 to when pigs fly. It is not like Apple said they would tell us something by today.

    That said, I don't see it happening. Frankly I don't see Apple building a CDMA phone series. Just makes things messy. Now when LTE is mature enough that 90+% folks never have to use a CDMA fallback and the rest rarely do, maybe. When someone comes up with a GSM/CDMA/LTE tri chip that doesn't cost a small fortune, eat up battery by lunch time etc, maybe. But I really think that in terms of 2011 all this CDMA jobs etc is about the ipad, not the iphone.


    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. emo anime love drawings. cute; emo anime love drawings. cute. Misplaced Mage. Sep 26, 05:29 PM
  • emo anime love kiss. emo anime love drawings. cute; emo anime love drawings. cute. Misplaced Mage. Sep 26, 05:29 PM

  • themadrussian
    Mar 18, 12:38 AM
    And your point is?

    You said public perception overrides performance. I believe that in your case, specifically with the Inspire, that you are incorrect. The iPhone 4 is absolutely capable of outperforming the Inspire, especially in upload speeds. Theoretically the Inspire should trounce the iPhone 4 in download speeds but I have yet to see a speedtest or review that shows its download speeds at any level which the iPhone cannot match (over real world HSPA 7.2 speeds, which are consistently in the neighborhood or 3-6 Mbps depending on location and network congestion). The fastest Inspire 4G test I've seen was 4.5 Mbps, a download speed that the iPhone 4 reaches with extreme ease.

    There are intangible elements involved in smartphone operating system preference and of course, people should buy what makes them happy. The fact is, people like the way iOS works. A lot of people do. There's a reason it's widely emulated. There are advantages and disadvantages to every phone and every OS - the iPhone 4 lacks some features that some people would value greatly (removable storage, replaceable battery, larger screen, hardware keyboard, OTA OS updates, ability to install applications from any site/APK) but personally (and this is key here, personally) I prefer its overall experience to that of Android and WP7. I have spent a great deal of time using an Android phone (HTC Droid Incredible) on a regular basis, as well as occasional use of an HTC HD7 (WP7), and I can say firmly that iOS and the iPhone 4 provide the best combination of high quality hardware (and superior battery life) and simple, efficient, and fast software.

    My point is - it's not some mass-media brainwashing that makes people like (or even love) their iPhones. They are very nice phones running a very nice, mature operating system.

    anime love kiss drawings. How to Draw Anime People
  • How to Draw Anime People

  • sanford
    Jan 11, 08:50 PM
    not me. the video was sooo hilarious. CES = the most prominent electronics show in the world with the MOST HIGH TECH tech you can find. and they allow for a 14.99 POS hack to ruin almost every booth.

    HILARIOUS. i actually laughed out loud almost the whole video. childish yes. hilarious yes.

    eye opening? yes. next year you can imagine there will be a few more companies that disable IR ports in public displays.

    I'm sure you're not a journalism professional. I don't think the point of this should be whether it was funny or not. Fine, you found it funny, others didn't, that's the nature of jokes. The point is: the press observes. One cannot observe something without influencing it or changing it in some, at least, small way. But it is not the business of the press *to set about to* change or influence that which they observe.


    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. cute
  • emo anime love kiss. cute

  • eva01
    Sep 7, 08:15 PM
    Jobs in 2008 is that what i am hearing. YAY president Jobs.

    anime love kiss drawings. Anime+love+kiss+drawings
  • Anime+love+kiss+drawings

  • extraextra
    Oct 3, 01:48 PM
    lets hope we get new MBPs before Macworld in Jan!

    in Jan i hope to get iTV, iLife '07, Leopard and maybe an iPhone

    I would like to see iTV a cross between Tivo and Front Row

    There is not much i would like to see added to iLife but i bet Steve will make my buy it

    I reaallly don't see Leopard being out in January.


    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss.
  • emo anime love kiss.

  • aiqw9182
    Mar 28, 03:37 PM
    If I understand some of you on this thread correctly then it is my opinion that you've missed the point, slightly.

    I don't think that the merits or demerits of the mac app store are the core point here. The store may be good, excellent, bad, poor, draconian, onerous or whatever but Apple is going to award programming and application awards to only those apps that are distributed through their application store.

    Even if you think the store is great, hell even if the store IS GREAT, don't you also feel that it isn't the ONLY way to get quality, well made applications.

    Apple is only promoting application which it profits from AND which conform to its Terms of Service.

    The offensive part for me is just how unapologetic they seem to be showing bias for what makes them money, not with what may be driving the platform or solving user needs/wants.

    I anticipate that some may remind me about Apple's responsibility to shareholders and about being a profitable business and therefore say that it is obvious that they support the apps from which they make a profit. I just think that is an oversimplification of situation and I think this does more to hurt the image of the platform, rather than improve it. It does more to hurt developer interest than it does improve developer interest in the mac platform. Long term, I'd rather see them building an enthusiasm for their products (including the mac app store) for their own merits.

    Not even going to bother reading this because I was NEVER discussing or defending Apple for only picking apps in the App Store. Get your facts straight before you decide to write a book on an internet forum over a discussion that went on for two replies.

    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. emo love
  • emo anime love kiss. emo love

  • Thanatoast
    Apr 20, 03:56 PM
    Patting down children is ridiculous. Anyone who's angry enough to blow up their own child on an airplane isn't going to be deterred by what we all sarcastically refer to as TSA "security".

    How about we stop giving people reasons for blowing up planes? That would be easier and cheaper, but would also require an unwanted soul-searching moment for our entire society.


    anime love kiss drawings. couple kissing drawing.
  • couple kissing drawing.

  • iOrlando
    Apr 25, 10:26 AM
    I think this is a great feature, and long overdue. It is very difficult to actually read through these comment threads once they hit 100 posts or so.

    Few things:

    1) I suggest have absolute tallies for the up and down votes. If one post got 300 votes on it, but the up votes offset the down votes, it would end up showing as 0 vs. a relatively obscure post that simply gets 4 up ratings would show up as 4. I want to see the comments that garnered a lot of attention/votes.

    2) I also suggest coloring up arrows as green and down arrows as red. Much easier on the eye.

    3) For those arguing about abuse with this feature, this site is geared for pro-Apple people, so any sense of impartiality or neutrality within the comments is non-existence. If people come to this site wanting pro-Apple stuff, they shouldn't be faced with trolls and other Apple haters.

    anime love kiss drawings. Reading: Love Like Crazy
  • Reading: Love Like Crazy

  • anjinha
    Apr 21, 11:10 AM
    All you'll do is make people paranoid. Who were those two bastards who voted down rdowns' post?

    I'm trying to vote it up but it's not working!!

    EDIT: Nevermind, it worked now.


    anime love kiss drawings. anime love kiss. anime. chuckles1337. Sep 14, 01:19 AM. quot;One reliable source has provided a more detailed description of one of the prototypes
  • anime love kiss. anime. chuckles1337. Sep 14, 01:19 AM. quot;One reliable source has provided a more detailed description of one of the prototypes

  • toddybody
    Apr 29, 01:11 PM
    Oh the waiting game...

    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. wallpaper
  • emo anime love kiss. wallpaper

  • xappeal
    Sep 12, 06:24 AM
    Plus quicktime already has online features....

    anime love kiss drawings. emo anime love kiss. rly. evilgEEk. Sep 19, 03:42 PM. I#39;m not touching it until they offer 5.1 sound. I#39;m sure its just a matter of time, though.
  • emo anime love kiss. rly. evilgEEk. Sep 19, 03:42 PM. I#39;m not touching it until they offer 5.1 sound. I#39;m sure its just a matter of time, though.

  • kinster
    Dec 1, 08:49 AM
    UK site have a few things discounted. Just ordered myself a 'Mighty Mouse'. Still considering buying the Airport Express at �20+ off :confused:

    Sep 12, 04:34 AM
    A few people have mentioned webcasts and things streamed to London. I live in the UK, can anyone clear things up, am I going to be able to watch the event on the net live (if so, where), or will I just have to make sense of the text scrolling up the screen on this site?


    the live stream to london is for journalists only

    Apr 25, 01:35 PM
    I agree, you're good!

    Good looking for sure. :cool:

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 29, 05:55 PM
    No, smitty was correct. MS uses version numbers that identify it's code. It's how software devs can write code that decides whether the app should be allowed to install.

    In a command prompt, use winver. Note the version listed
    EG, Windows 95, NT 4, 98, and ME are all considered Windows 4.x. 2000 and XP are both 5.x, Vista and Windows 7 are 6.x. So it's clear 7 is nothing more than marketing.

    From the horses mouth:

    Umm just going to point this out to but Windows 95, 98 and ME were all the windows 9.x kernel code.
    Knight pointed out that what you are reading is just the gui version number. GUI is just a shell around the OS(aka eye candy). The kernel is what really matters and what is really accessed and controlled.
    NT and beyond were on different version of NT.
    Knight is the one is correct and he has proving he knows his stuff in that deparment.

    Windows had 2 lines for the longest time the NT line (business for the most part) and the other one which has been known as the 9.x line.
    Windows XP killed off the 9.x line and they went NT only.

    Mar 7, 10:07 AM
    Windows 98 did more for USB adoption than the limited run Apple had with its original iMac. Common sense removed floppy drives a lot more than Apple forced it with the iMac, and a lot later too.

    Some of you need to open up your boundaries a little beyond what Apple does.

    Perhaps. You may well be right. But the point was that Apple was the first to seriously use USB and the first to remove floppy drives -- so they get to take the credit for "being innovative", and when everyone else follows suit, whether they were actually being copycats or for whatever other reason, they get credit for "being the leader" and "everyone copies them".

    Apples one true area of brilliance is their masterful art of marketing. In the finest example of typical American deceptive advertising, Apple describes their products as "magical & revolutionary".

    Apple can market however they like, but if the product itself doesn't stand up to the marketing, the product will fail. Plain and simple. Apple has not been without a few failures because they were poorly designed or poorly priced products that no amount of marketing could rescue them from (the G4 Cube, for example).

    I bought an iPad, not because someone told me it was "magical and revolutionary" but because I tried it out in the store and could easily see myself using it far more than the netbook that it replaced. It was well designed, highly functional, and extremely practical for what I needed to do. The price was, well, Apple, meaning it cost twice as much as a netbook, but all told it was, and continues to be, a product that suited my needs.

    Nov 10, 07:19 AM
    I got the game yesterday but still haven't opened it....

    I'm just so addicted to GOD OF WAR 3 right now... It's is wrong that I like breaking people's necks in the underworld???

    Will start Black Ops on the weekend hopefully!

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