Monday, May 30, 2011

black and white lion wallpaper

black and white lion wallpaper. Black and white wallpaper
  • Black and white wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 06:19 PM
    well guys i might be getting back up there soon. the last couple of days i've been working on my home built system, and i had it stable folding at 3.8 ghz. of course i got greedy, and am currently trying to manage 4.0 ghz. but right now heat is in the way, and i might have to take it back down a notch. we'll see

    black and white lion wallpaper. Mountain Lion - wallpaper
  • Mountain Lion - wallpaper

  • vendettabass
    Sep 12, 02:38 AM
    brushed aluminium nano = good
    no storage bump = bad

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white backgrounds
  • lack and white backgrounds

  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 13, 12:13 PM
    The secret service might get lucky and stop a terrorist organisation before they do any harm, but they can do nothing to prevent a nutter getting on a plane if he doesn't have any record. It's up to the airport security to limit the weapons available to him on the plane, it's the best they can do.

    And it's up to everyone to decide what the 'best balance' is between privacy and safety. One thing is certain - the TSA (or any other airport authorities around the world) are always wrong: searches like this are wrong/if a weapon slips through and is used in a hijacking they're wrong.

    Let me give you a REAL scenario. I used to use my laptop backpack to carry my lunch to work and I was at the airport heading out of town. What I didn't know is that one of my butter knives had slid down under the lining of the backpack. Of course I went in security and was pulled to the side where I was professionally patted down. They then pulled me off to the side to further inspect the bag. I told them the story and they allowed me to slip it in an envelope to mail it home.

    1. It worked as they did catch a potential weapon.
    2. They were profesional about it the entire time (Boston TSA).
    3. If you cooperate with them it is generally no big deal.

    People that are making this difficult simply like to complain for the sake of complaining. Take the bus....
    Put a big, thick, security door between the cockpit and the passengers that can take a stronger blast than the plane's hull.

    Problem solved; the risk of a man with a knife on a plane is identical to that same man on a public train or bus.

    No ridiculous pat-downs and feeling up of children needed. Allow profiling and leave the metal detectors in place (similar security to our local courthouse) to prevent casual idiots, and have the security door to minimize damage from an organized attempt (if they can't hijack the plane, and can only kill the people on board, it's not worth the trouble; they can just go blow up a bus), and you've got a pretty good balance of security.

    black and white lion wallpaper. african lion wallpaper.
  • african lion wallpaper.

  • Kashchei
    Jan 10, 08:16 PM
    A lot of whining on these forums the second they reopen.

    Other than that certainty:

    MacBook Pro update - maybe new enclosure
    Mac Mini update ( minor and silent )
    Some major new product ( i.e., ultra mobile laptop )
    iPhone SDK ( crippled, of course )

    I'm hoping for new mouse

    Hopefully not a long iPhone related presentation borefest

    Beautifully put, especially that last bit.
    From your mouth (keyboard) to God's (Steve Jobs') ear

    black and white lion wallpaper. wallpaper black and white.
  • wallpaper black and white.

  • balamw
    Aug 7, 02:27 PM
    As has been reported in other threads ( the specs appear to have been bumped too.

    Better brightness and contrast are now reported for the 20" and 23".


    black and white lion wallpaper. lack wallpaper ipad.
  • lack wallpaper ipad.

  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 7, 09:24 AM
    Hello all! This is an interesting debate... I think both OSes will be powerhouses by the time they're released. However... Microsoft's upping the ante with Windows 8, it seems. Had I seen this thread, I would have posted this ( here, instead... oh well.

    black and white lion wallpaper. Lion Wallpapers. Download
  • Lion Wallpapers. Download

  • err404
    May 2, 12:07 PM
    every single device was tracked...

    Only if you opted-in. As for the consolidated DB, I think need to read up on what the DB is for. Apple sends you the information, not the other way around.

    Let's suppose Apple did want to track you... Why would they collect the cell cache? It would be easier for then to just log your request from their system.

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white wallpaper.
  • lack and white wallpaper.

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:03 AM
    five hours to go.. grrr..


    black and white lion wallpaper. 3d wallpaper lion.
  • 3d wallpaper lion.

  • nagromme
    Aug 7, 03:57 PM
    There were updates. ( Better brightness and contrast ratio on the 20" and 23".
    Someone said those brightness updates happened weeks ago. True?

    Nice either way!

    I too am holding out for a true next generation... maybe with new larger sizes, iSight, or new connectivity. But if I needed a display now, it's not as easy to choose a Dell anymore :)

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white floral
  • lack and white floral

  • WhiteShadow
    Aug 13, 10:50 PM
    price cut? the displays still seem a bit over priced.

    black and white lion wallpaper. african lion wallpaper.
  • african lion wallpaper.

    Jan 9, 06:24 PM
    i'm 1:40 in - only one glistch and it ironed itself out.

    Full Screen QT FTW :)

    & I love all the stuff so far. :D


    Just finished - felt shorter than the 1:56 running time. Glad I waited for video - as we all knew it makes everything much clearer. Keep trying on those links if you can't get it - as Europe sleeps they will onloy get faster - night!

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white wallpaper
  • lack and white wallpaper

  • incongruity
    Mar 17, 02:07 PM
    When does apple charge your credit card for a purchase? ... The total was $829 but I still have yet to be charged the remaining balance. Have they forgotten to charge me or does it not charge until the iPad actually ships?


    Don't worry, you're cool. Just walk out of the store and you'll be fine.

    (they charge when it ships)

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white flowers
  • lack and white flowers

  • Stella
    Jan 10, 06:48 PM
    What are your predictions for this years MacWorld?

    A lot of whining on these forums the second they reopen.

    Other than that certainty:

    MacBook Pro update - maybe new enclosure
    Mac Mini update ( minor and silent )
    Some major new product ( i.e., ultra mobile laptop )
    iPhone SDK ( crippled, of course )

    I'm hoping for new mouse

    Hopefully not a long iPhone related presentation borefest

    black and white lion wallpaper. Lion Wallpaper for iPhone
  • Lion Wallpaper for iPhone

  • ritmomundo
    Mar 18, 04:53 PM
    This is what I "love" about MacRumors, it's the only Apple fansite where Apple fans, rightly proud of their products, can log on and be TOLD what their opinions should be by rabid fans of other devices, who in turn use the fanboy card to back up their point of view, therefore rendering any reply by an Apple user pointless.

    The Android fans are as bad, if not in fact worse, than the iPhone fans on here. The very notion you come to an Apple site to stress your point of view and borderline enforce it to the point of it being accepted as fact, proves as much.

    I'm all for people loving their apple products. I love my iPhone too. But unlike some of these apple fans, I don't consider my iPhone to be the holy grail of smartphones.

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white backgrounds
  • lack and white backgrounds

  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 07:06 PM
    ^^ is 200mhz really that important :p

    i'm tellin ya, there's something about starting with the number 4.

    but it got too hot, and i had to turn it down to 3.98 ghz. not quite 4. hopefully it'll stay at that though

    black and white lion wallpaper. modern lack and white
  • modern lack and white

  • gugy
    Oct 11, 01:58 PM
    the deadline i think is Nov. 14 when the Zune is coming out. If passes that I would think maybe at MWSF.
    The main goal is the holiday season. After middle of November is too late to launch such a product.
    So I have my fingers crossed for the last week of October. That's the perfect timing.

    black and white lion wallpaper. Black And White Wallpaper Hd.
  • Black And White Wallpaper Hd.

  • pakyooh
    Apr 12, 04:25 PM
    Amazon.. around $8..

    That case is awesome, where did you purchase it?

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white art wallpaper.
  • lack and white art wallpaper.

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:51 PM
    I can go to View --> Organize Alphabetically on my SL MBA. Same result. All icons, no categories.

    I've never seen this before, but it's not new to this Lion build.

    Sorry, I may have never used that before.

    Thanks for letting me know.

    black and white lion wallpaper. lack and white background
  • lack and white background

  • Santabean2000
    Oct 4, 07:08 AM
    This is the Mac mini of houses at best.

    Wow. Some of you really are hooked on the bigger is better buzz.

    Seriously, get out and see some of the world. Perspective people. The world is NOT just the US.

    Anyone tootin' on these forums (including myself) can consider themselves truly blessed.

    A Mac mini house..? Hardly. It's a mansion by any worldly measure.

    Oct 9, 08:32 AM
    But if iTunes' DRM was annoying to users, it never would have made it to 70%. Users absolutely care about DRM. But they're not aware of it unless it's too restrictive or inconvenient - if you give them *bad* DRM they will totally notice it and hate it.

    Again - 70% of the DRM market, not 70% of all music obtained online. And that number doesn't figure in (obviously) any music obtained from a site like allofmp3. The legality of allofmp3 may be dubious, but there's an example of DRM-free music, that people are paying for (at a rate of .10 on the dollar, I'll grant you) - and it's trouncing any other pay service. I would continue to shop there even if they made the prices comparable to the itms, simply because I can be confident that once I purchase an album, I'll be able to play that album on any computer, any mp3 player, anytime, far into the future. Not so with the itms; you need an ipod and itunes, and while those are my current items of choice, who's to say they will continue to be my software and/or player of choice 5, 10, 15 years from now? I still have CDs I bought 15 years ago - I should be able to buy music now with the same confidence, that I can play it forever if I want to.

    And by the way, before I hear the same wrongful accusations about how people are breaking the law by going to allofmp3 - guess what, they're not. Distributing copyrighted material is against the law - every single RIAA lawsuit was brought against someone for THAT offense, being that people were running Kazaa, or other p2p software, and naturally everyone is distributing while downloading. They haven't sued anyone for using allofmp3 simply because technically, it's not illegal to download music from them. Are the operators of the site in violation of the law? Yes - US copyright law, and they're not inside the US. I know it's a shock to some of you, but people not living in the US aren't subject to our laws.

    Support your artists, not the record companies. Buy from DRM-free sites online and see the bands when they tour - that's where 90% of the bands make 90% of their money anyway.

    Oct 11, 11:46 AM
    If the rumor is true and the video iPod is relased soon, Microsoft better be ready to lose more than $50.00 a unit. Apple may lower the price of the older iPods and the the Video iPod around the same price of their top level iPod (5.5G).
    That will throw another:D monkey wrench on the works, LOL.

    Apr 14, 03:41 PM
    My son, then two, was pulled aside by "random" secondary screening in 2005 at Ontario airport in SoCal. I wasn't too upset, because nothing inappropriate (other than the absurdity of checking a two-year-old) was done, but was struck by the waste of time. And lest anyone think we were profiled, we are both obviously white, with English-sounding names, traveling on round-trip tickets.

    Mar 24, 03:26 PM
    OS X was unique when it was released, Apple did not include it with systems until June and it wasn't the default boot until almost a year later.

    I was given a PowerBook G4 500 when I graduated from High School, when we went to pick it up, the salesmen were surprised that it came with OS X, and doubled RAM at no extra cost. I didn't install OS X the first time until July, shortly after I arrived at college. I enjoyed many aspects of the system, except for the inability to run games like Sim City 3000 in Classic Mode, and issues related to attaching TVs via the SVideo connector, not to mention the lack of a DVD player. Between July and the release of 10.1 in September/October, I'd actually had to have my system sent back to Apple 3 times due to screen/Video Card issues. Each time, when they reformatted the hard drive and installed OS X they did it a different time. The first time both OS X and OS9 were on the same partition, in the second, they were separate, and the third, they were separate, and there was another partition for data. After the third time, I reformatted again, and followed the recommended procedure to install OS X and OS 9, including installing OS X first, then installing OS 9 as a New OS. After 10.1 came out, I began booting into OS 9 less and less, until after 10.5 came out, and I was stuck on Tiger, I actually loaded OS 9 onto my iPod and would boot of of it when I needed. Now, there are only two or three things I could think of still wanting OS 9 for, like SC2K or Myst, but nothing that makes or breaks the system. Now that I'm on a machine that runs Leopard, and I don't have the option, and I don't miss it.

    I just hope that 10.7 doesn't take us cold turkey away from PPC, a bit faster than we would like.


    Apr 30, 10:43 AM
    Please restore the forums to their "pre-improvement" state.

    Thanx :D

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