Monday, May 30, 2011

lil wayne wallpaper

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  • Lil#39; Wayne. Wallpapers · Click

  • fsudaft
    Mar 29, 12:23 AM
    New Updates: The 360 is connecting to the internet. This can be seen through certain services. Our local police force have a few tricks up their sleeves, its just a matter of them being around when its connected. Based on the times that the system is on and connected it can be deduced that children are behind it. (Think about when you did bad things as a kid, you prolly did them at night. And by bad i don't mean theivery, i mean other stuff). And if its kids i'm a little miffed that their parents haven't noticed anything new around the house.

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  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 09:45 PM
    I heard somewhere that federal employees are not able to collectively bargain for their benefits package. If this is true, why are recent states' attempts to restrict unionized bargaining seen as being so draconian, and why isn't there an outcry to give federal employees the same "rights"?

    That's true regarding federal employees. It's being labeled as draconian because that's how union thugs get their message across. They need to scare people in order to get their way. Scare or intimidate... and thankfully they aren't powerful enough to intimidate all of us at this point. Not that they aren't trying:

    "... Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations ... The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for ... officials ... to bind the employer ... The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives ...

    "Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people ... This obligation is paramount ... A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent ... to prevent or obstruct ... Government ... Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government ... is unthinkable and intolerable." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, and Progressive/Liberal Hero

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  • Free lil wayne phone wallpaper

  • gregnv
    May 3, 04:45 PM
    Android 2.3 (and I think 2.2) support wi/fi tethering in the OS, no app needed. If you have an android phone with 2.2 or 2.3 (I do because ATT service sucked where I live), just select SETTINGS then WIRELESS & Networks, then "Tethering & portable hotspot" to set the phone up as a wi/fi hub with data access.

    I haven't used the iphone in a while (since moving to T-MO), so I don't know if IOS supports something similar.

    (using a Nexus One)

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  • jackeill
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    And now please give me grid-full-screen-view-of-spaces and waste less space in Mission Control


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  • Lil Wayne Cd Cover by ~SeanJJ

  • GoKyu
    Apr 29, 07:05 PM
    When I read the subject, I got a little hopeful...when I saw the screenshot showing Spaces/Expos�, I really thought the "UI tweak" was that they'd let us use the old Spaces if we wanted to.

    Guess not, it's still that b******ized Mission Control...

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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Oct 17, 09:27 AM
    Perhaps this explains why the Mac Pro was designed with two optical drives? ;)

    Now your Mac Pro will cost $3500-$4000 instead of $2500-$3000.


    lil wayne wallpaper. LIL WAYNE WALLPAPER 2010

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 05:32 PM
    I still don't get the blogger pulls a prank equating to all bloggers everywhere being punished by conference organizers. Seriously, it sounds all Zod evil where they threaten to kill some random guy if Superman doesn't bow down to them.

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  • Lil Wayne Trouble Trouble

  • schwell
    Oct 21, 11:44 PM
    For all of you touting one carrier over another check these maps out.






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  • Kissaragi
    Mar 16, 08:54 AM
    Interesting points here...

    Apple also purposely leaves out things in their devices (iPad, iPhone) so that they can make tons of money off it, release a new device with all the features they left out and make a ton of money off that too...

    Only people with tinfoil hats on believe that.

    lil wayne wallpaper. LIL WAYNE I-PHONE WALLPAPERS

  • Dagless
    Mar 28, 02:52 PM
    Eh, they could do with renaming this award ceremony. "App Store Award"? It's hardly "Apple Design Awards" if they're excluding a lot of those developers.


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  • ArtOfWarfare
    Sep 28, 01:15 PM
    No screening room (

    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

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  • SkyStudios
    May 2, 12:41 PM
    My only question is:

    If there was a study that was conducted some time back [more than 2 months back] and got Apple to investigate the issue seriously, why did Apple wait for another study OR another media non-sense to acknowledge the bugs and report to the consumers?

    Why did Apple not rectify the problem before? Did Apple already knew about these features or are they simply getting with this crap by calling them "bugs"?

    To be honest, this is probably the first time I'm feeling that Apple was trying to play with the consumers privacy and trust. I think Apple just fooled us.

    -deth a lawsuite was filed a year ago, apple refused to address the problem becuase it was not out in the public as it is now with Congress connecting trails to wall street and who knows why apple collected political views.

    According to authorities, Apple uses trolls, some techs even to bury issues posted on forums so they can buy time if many people either give up or simply seem less in number, so if the ratio of complaints are kept low no one notices bugs,

    Im not surprised that the FEDS are upset about this, if they had iphones people can track them and all sorts of info is out public or in the wrong hands, makes the wikileeks kids look like angels


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  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 07:52 PM
    i don't know i still who they plan to sell it ... sure there are mac enthusiasts (i would take it too when given as a present) but 10 million within a year without any real range of products ...

    Did he really say 10 million within a year? Surely he jests. It's not even coming out in Europe until and if he's thinking 10 million in the US alone, um... that's like 15% of Cingular's customer base.

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  • lil wayne wallpaper. lil wayne

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 06:09 PM
    Read the first line.

    Hack the computers, not the iPhones.

    In which case nearly *all* your personal data is vulnerable. Cell tower tracking is not a special case, and relatively not especially more dangerous or compromising than anything else you've got stored on your computer.

    Again, there's no egregious violation taking place here, and it's not especially worse than any other way to keep tabs on someone.

    Let's reserve the lynching for when we actually find out what this tracking data is for specifically and how widespread the issue is with other companies (i.e., Google, MS, etc.)

    If there is no actual cause for concern to the average person (which there really isn't), I fail to see that need to take a flip over it.

    Anyway, that's all Il'll post about this for now. I really don't have a lot more to say. This topic is already way off-course, mostly my fault.

    You must not read many of LTD's posts.

    Admiring a winner is *very* wrong. Sorry.

    Apple makes a lot of the competition look pretty damn stupid on a continual basis, but you can't call attention to it too often, because you'll end up stepping one someone's toes.

    My view is: wear thicker boots.

    The latest in my rogues gallery of idiots is RIM (first prize for laying the Playbook egg.)


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  • Lil Wayne in Purple Wallpaper

  • GeekLawyer
    May 3, 10:40 PM
    So is this meant to be an ad for the iPad 2 or the future generations? All it does is make me more excited for upcoming models, not the iPad 2 itself. I don't doubt that it will be effective though.I think it's an ad for iPad. iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad that comes next. All of them. As a platform. "It's just getting started."

    lil wayne wallpaper. Lil Wayne 2 Wallpaper
  • Lil Wayne 2 Wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    Apr 30, 05:30 PM
    well i'm back at my place and got my latest rig back up and going. i took out the 2 x 9800GTs b/c of heat, and they don't produce all that much anyways. i'm trying it at 3.8 ghz running bigadv and 2 x gpus. we'll see how long it lasts this time


    lil wayne wallpaper. Lil#39; Wayne#39;s pictures:
  • Lil#39; Wayne#39;s pictures:

  • crobbins
    Mar 24, 10:26 PM
    I remember getting my first OS X machine in early 2005. Tiger was so different from the world of windows I'd been used to it. I've been a crazy apple fan ever since!

    lil wayne wallpaper. LIL WAYNE I-PHONE WALLPAPERS

  • Winni
    Mar 9, 06:43 AM
    I won't get into a furball over your post. Which large tech company operates in a candid & open way with customers?

    I don't know about "candid", but "open" as in "dialogue" certainly describes the way in which Microsoft, Dell, IBM and several other enterprise elephants communicate with their (enterprise) customers. It's mandatory for their business.

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  • Wallpapers · Music Lil#39; Wayne

  • samiwas
    May 5, 09:21 PM
    "Do you have the household cleaners in the house, and are they locked up and out of reach of your child?"

    "Do you have the guns in the house, and are do they have trigger locks and/or are they locked up and out of reach of your child?"

    That one elicits a defensive, paranoid response while the other doesn't says more about the parent than the doctor.

    The NRA has so brainwashed their members that the boogeyman is gonna confiscate their guns that there has to be some hidden agenda in questions about firearms. The doctor are not turning you into some database, I promise. We just care about the safety of your child/

    This is kind of the way I see it. Doctors or any child-safety-related services person start asking questions, and the parents will gleefully talk about how safe everything in their house/car is (cleaners and poisons safely stored away, cabinets locked, access to pool is locked, car seats, etc). One question about guns and suddenly they go ape****** about how their privacy is being invaded. I see the whole gun-ownership thing as kind of a dick-waving exercise. Guys start talking about their guns and suddenly get very defensive and somewhat arrogant. Yes, that's my opinion....I have no source to cite.

    Sep 29, 11:18 PM
    I understand that the plans have to be submitted to local planning authorities for architectural and engineering reviews, etc. but I think I'd be a little upset at even the rough floor plans making it out on the web out of concern for personal safety. :eek:

    I would hope that there are some elaborate physical security features as part of the build out. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why it's a relatively modestly sized home on a comparatively large lot size...a physical buffer zone.

    Nov 24, 04:25 PM
    I get the macs that price anyways with my student discount

    Oct 3, 12:22 AM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    A lot more useful than lawyers :rolleyes:

    Oct 14, 09:11 PM
    Wow. Do you people realize that this topic was originally posted WAY WAY back on Jan 10, 03:12 PM??? 10 months ago?
    I did when I made my post, it doesn't change the situation much, if at all. What they did was what they did, and the majority of this discussion was after last year's MWSF, in which case the upcoming MW of which the OP discussed the point of if they should be banned hasn't even happened yet. So this discussion is still very active and relevant.

    Gasu E.
    Oct 25, 03:34 PM
    Who are you to judge how I'd raise my kids? I earned my money, and I'll spend it however I damn well please.

    Someone who thinks there is more than a little projection of moral superiority in this comment about someone's choice in bathroom/bedroom ratio. If that's how you choose to raise your kids, fine; but the moralizing is nonsense.

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