Tuesday, May 31, 2011

miley cyrus 2011 pictures

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 19, 06:41 PM
    Ah, a fellow HVX user. Hooorah! :D

    Bring on the BluRay recordables and holographic storage... Tape archives are killin' me too.

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  • Bonte
    Jan 6, 02:25 AM
    Yeah, it is kind of wierd, considering this is MacRumours, where mostly everyone comes to find out about Apple stuff before it is actually announced :rolleyes:

    Yeah but hearing the full specs the day before spoils the whole thing, as of today i'm not visiting Mac news sites. Now just hope i don't get an e-mail with all the new stuff. :rolleyes:

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  • miley cyrus 2011 kids choice

  • ct2k7
    Apr 16, 10:26 AM
    Yes, if it's A1285. Hard to read...

    Just looked up A1289, it's the 8-core Nehalem Mac Pro.

    Either way, B.S.

    I agree, although I like the design (I like metal things, the 3G and 3GS didn't appeal to me as it was plastic and that looks cheap to me - or maybe I'm a magpie and like shiny things :o)

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  • miley cyrus 2011 tour just

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 9, 12:06 PM
    Other than keeping applications in self-contained folders, I don't see any of this as copying. Even so, having applications run as self-contained folders isn't even an Apple idea.

    Different Microsoft IE versions for mobile phones, and computers? OH NOES!! :eek:

    Built-in PDF reader?! OMG!! What next, will Windows let you resize windows from all 4 corners rather than.......oh wait, it already does.

    yeah that was my though on it.
    Something like Time Machine was not even an Apple idea to begin with and I know MS has been working on it a very long time.

    I also know the built-in PDF reader has taken so long because of fears with Adobe. Hell to be able to save to PDF in Office MS had to make it an option to download it from them and install it. It could not be installed by default because of Adobe.
    Sounds like MS either is paying Adobe a small fee or they are done being scared. It is not like Acrobat reader is anything more than just a PDF reader. Something the OS as sorely needed built in.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 kids choice
  • miley cyrus 2011 kids choice

  • TheMacBookPro
    Mar 18, 09:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Thats some pretty narrow minded thinking there buddy.

    Not your buddy, tyvm.

    I'm just posting about some harassment I've been experiencing because of the phone I've purchased and was wondering if other iPhone owners have experienced it, and by judging from the responses a lot have.

    You should've searched before creating a new thread. This forum gets one of these 'omg what's wrong with people who prefer their own phone' and 'the iPhone is the best WTF is wrong with android users' every few days.

    I already feel great about my purchase, and I haven't been here long enough to know if the users are fanboys. Judging from the responses I'd say these guys seem pretty fair. Pretty judgemental and silly post in my opinion.

    Because they're agreeing with you (surprise, surprise). I'd say people are fair too if they blindly agreed to everything I say.

    And my post is silly? Pot, kettle if I ever seen it ;)

    I couldn't exactly call myself an Apple 'fanboy' either. If HTC made a better phone I'd gladly go pick it up, but I'm simply posting my experiences.

    Fair enough. Most people on here refuse to think that anyone other than Apple can make a good phone.

    Just curious now- what HTC phone was your friend using to play angry birds @2fps? I had no idea that HTC made a worse android phone (compared to the original G1).

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 grammys.
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys.

  • jive
    Sep 12, 07:30 AM
    Disney own/are part of Buena Vista - who make a shedload of movies.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. miley cyrus 2011 grammys; miley cyrus 2011 grammys. aafuss1. Aug 6, 05:30 PM. Why sell a new keyboard for front row,
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. miley cyrus 2011 grammys; miley cyrus 2011 grammys. aafuss1. Aug 6, 05:30 PM. Why sell a new keyboard for front row,

  • mcrain
    Mar 4, 03:18 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The liberal view is to build schools that teach people to fish, hire people to teach, treat the teachers well and then send the students off into the world with good educations. Liberals then try to protect the lakes and rivers so that the fish can be eaten, and so that fish can thrive and be caught by the fishermen. When bad times happen, as they always do, liberals are willing to help the fishermen survive natural disasters, famine, draught, and the occassional cold spell (luck and weather). Liberals stand hand to hand with their neighbors, knowing that as their neighbor thrives, so do they.

    The conservative view is to set up a corporation on the banks of the lake/river, hire fishermen from out of the country, make enough profits to make a machine that harvests all of the fish available, then dump the waste back into the river/lake poisoning the lake and forever destroying the habitat, and finally, adding fillers and cheap materials to sell canned "authentic fish product" to the people. When the fish run low, the business relocates its operations and hires foreigners to fish, and then requires a government bailout when the people can't afford to buy their products.

    Go fish.

    (edit) Don't bother posting your usual response about how conservatives give more and are more charitable. I'm talking about liberal government policies.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 pictures.
  • miley cyrus 2011 pictures.

  • darh
    Sep 12, 08:05 AM
    I thought tht too, but there's already a section on the page for trailer. Just about the iTunes Videos

    and under the films, stands "more music video's" hmmm thats strange:rolleyes:

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 pics.
  • miley cyrus 2011 pics.

  • Stella
    Apr 8, 02:42 PM
    More sensationalist "reporting" from another tech blog. Best Buy has been known for holding hot items (game consoles, etc.) for Sunday flyer promotions, for years. It was obvious that was what was going on here.

    But no, Tech-Crunch-Gear-Whatever has to drag Apple, even Tim Cook into it. What a bunch of gossip rags... it's embarrassing.:eek:

    Hey, then Mac*Rumours* is equally a gossip rag for posting such stories in the first place! ;-)

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 hair color.
  • miley cyrus 2011 hair color.

  • Lyra
    Aug 2, 05:31 AM
    Insecurity...? The only thing I'm insecure about at the moment is whether you are for real or just trolling... :confused:

    Who says we're best at anything. It's not a contest... :rolleyes:

    Up here in the Nordic countries we're a small, fairly uniform, very rich, well-educated (to a degree - pun intended), technological advanced population. The marked might be small, but it's still a nice little marked.

    Do you honestly see Apple pull out of a similar marked, let say New Your city, just because an unresolved quarrel with the local government...?

    You New York is New York, part of the USA.

    Saying that you are small, rich and well educated... And then you even say, you are technologically advanced?

    Have you been to Singapore, Kuwait, Japan? I can name a few more places, but let's keep the list short.

    You are not very technologically advanced you know... Well, again, compared to Africa you are...

    Look, it seems, you are not seeing the overall picture, only what you see in front of you... And in this case it is Apple... But that is not all there is...

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 tour
  • miley cyrus 2011 tour

  • emotion
    Nov 16, 01:16 PM
    I don't know where this assertion that AMD are rubbish comes from. The integrated memory controller technology that AMD have currently is beter than Intels offering (for the moment).

    That said, they'd be daft to go with AMD. It's nice that they have this stick to poke Intel with though.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. Miley Cyrus at the; miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance.
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. Miley Cyrus at the; miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance.

  • arn
    Sep 12, 12:59 AM
    Maybe, but to impact the market, you need a critical mass. Didn't iTMS have 200,000-300,000 songs when it opened?

    Who else is? Anyway, my point was more that if Disney is all the iTunes Movie Store has to offer, it will look like a huge marketing failure, and the media will feed on it... If it's true, expect predictions of Apple's pending demise on Wednesday...

    Variety first reported it


    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 grammys.
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys.

  • *LTD*
    Mar 6, 01:53 PM
    Yep. Apple takes ideas that others managed to half-ass and makes them beautiful, usable and desirable. Good enough for me. Good enough for record-breaking quarters, too. And all accomplished with a closed, tightly-controlled ecosystem. Correction . . . all accomplished because of a closed, tightly-controlled ecosystem.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. wnurse. Mar 18, 03:18 PM. Actually the reason why it isn#39;t encoded
  • miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. miley cyrus 2011 photoshoot. wnurse. Mar 18, 03:18 PM. Actually the reason why it isn#39;t encoded

  • GGJstudios
    Apr 21, 12:01 PM
    But you aren't. You are moving it by 2. And it's inconsistent.
    Vote count before you vote: 2
    Vote count after you vote down: 1 (net change: -1)
    Vote count after you vote up: 3 (net change: +1)
    Vote count after you vote down, then up: 3 (net change: +1)
    Vote count after you vote up, then down: 1 (net change: -1)

    The net effect of you voting is only a +1 or -1. Remember, you don't know who else clicked the vote button on that same post just before you did. When you load a page, the current vote loads. If you take a minute or even a few seconds to read a post and vote, others could have voted during that time. The vote counter doesn't dynamically update every time someone votes; it does only when you vote or refresh the page.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 march.
  • miley cyrus 2011 march.

  • fsudaft
    Mar 24, 01:59 AM
    Back when I was about 8, we were jacked. However it was our house and the house next to us. We lost all of our console GAMES, the system still there. The other house lost their console SYSTEM, the games still there. Its nice to know that the world has not changed 10 years later.

    No one said all criminals are smart.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 grammys.
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys.

  • fivepoint
    May 4, 03:19 PM
    Any law that tells a physician what they can and can't ask a patient, or who they must treat despite their own personal views - is stupid. Physicians should be able to ask whatever they want, if the person answers that's their own choice, and if the physician no longer wants to treat them, thats his/her choice. Sames for guns, same for gays, same for anything. A private business person should be able to serve whomever they want to serve... period.

    The hypocrisy from those of you on the left on this issue is pretty clear. If this was the GLBTA trying to pass a similar law regarding homosexuality, etc. you'd have no problem with it.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. Miley Cyrus arrives at the; Miley Cyrus arrives at the. Ladybug. Aug 7, 06:59 PM
  • miley cyrus 2011 grammys performance. Miley Cyrus arrives at the; Miley Cyrus arrives at the. Ladybug. Aug 7, 06:59 PM

  • bloodycape
    Nov 16, 02:08 PM
    I could DEFINITELY see them doing this. It could also be for an iPhone or iTablet.

    iTablet I doubt that. That would most likely use an intel chip. iPhone, I think that would be TI chips in there(after all TI makes half the worlds cell phone chips). If you want to see the capabilities of the AMD Alchemy chip just check out the iStaion V43 and T43. This a great 4.3in portable multimedia player than can do GPS, DMBTV, and wifi.

    miley cyrus 2011 pictures. Miley cyrus Cavalli 2011
  • Miley cyrus Cavalli 2011

  • ero87
    Nov 26, 12:06 AM
    ahh i miss real rumors! exciting new stuff!

    I guess I can't expect apple to ALWAYS have new stuff, but sales just don't excite me very much...

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  • photo of ready to leavefeb Entertainment blog with latest miley have three questions miley recent images Miley+cyrus+2011+photoshoot

  • admanimal
    Mar 28, 03:08 PM
    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

    In other words, it is now more fair to everyone because you just need to be in the App Store rather than having to submit your app specifically to be considered.

    May 4, 12:30 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    ur a nazi if u don't react positive to this ad, just wish apple didnt make me want so much stuff; I hate being a consumer of STUFF sometimes...

    Dec 13, 12:23 PM
    We can all dream right? I hope to god this is true. I need better service. To me, it'd be worth the $200 termination fee...

    Apr 11, 03:19 PM
    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    I never quite understood what made people do this. I'm buying my first Mac, some of my friends already have one, and I told them I was going to dual-boot Windows 7.

    Their reaction? Fanboy outcries. Invalid arguments about Windows, and how it's "trash", while I'm absolutely sure that they haven't touched Windows since XP, or Vista. I can't stand people like that.

    Aug 1, 03:51 PM
    DRM should be unified - one DRM standard for ALL devices.

    While I'm no great fan of DRM, this makes about as much sense as making all home, car and office locks use the same key. And making files DRM'd under one system transferable to a different DRM (what France was attempting) simply means that no DRM will be stronger than the weakest.

    Like it are not, if we want to buy legit music, we've got to have a fairly effective DRM or those who own music have no incentive to release it. Would any of us leave a brand-new MacBook Pro unattended on a park bench while we went into a store? Well, these people have far more invested in their music than we have in our computers.

    In short, we shouldn't demand of others different standards than those we live by ourselves.

    Apr 25, 07:41 PM
    Bigger sensor requires bigger lens and bigger lens requires bigger housing. With Apple, you are not going to get this. If you look for bigger sensor -check Nokia or Sony phones.

    They increased the sensor size with the 4 even though the phone was overall slimmer, they could do it again

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