Monday, May 30, 2011

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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 22, 11:34 AM
    How do you feel about being tracked and information stored without your knowledge? Oh wait, it's ok, Uncle Stevie knows what's best.

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  • nwcs
    May 4, 09:48 AM
    I don't know any medical staff that actually uses one on the job. You simply can't input information on the thing while on the go and holding it in your other hand.

    You clearly don't know much about the medical world. Here's one link just to get things going:

    Oh, and here's the story about a hospital that just ordered 1800 iPads...

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  • whoooaaahhhh
    Jan 8, 02:10 PM
    When you spend the whole year waiting for the event you want the moment to be perfect.

    What are we doing here...losing our virginity? Yeesh!

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  • fr33 loader
    Jan 10, 11:01 PM
    Hahaha, that would be hilarious! C'mon guys, seriously. No harm done.

    Unless you are the one standing and giving the presentation. The wasted manpower to fix it. Money to use the stage for certain alloted time. Negative effect on brand name thinking it was a real malfunction on the TV set. All of this to gain what?:(


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  • AidenShaw
    Nov 16, 08:50 PM
    That would mean we'd have to pay more for intel machines. intel is giving apple big discounts for not using AMD at all.
    This statement and variations, are repeated so often that they're taken for fact - but is there any corroboration of this from any source whatsoever?

    I didn't think so....

    Considering the anti-trust climate, the most that is likely is that there is an short term agreement that in return for the engineering help that Intel is giving Apple - Apple agrees to use only Intel chips.

    Considering Apple's volume, their "discount" is probably very similar to what the other top 10 Intel OEMs are paying.

    Intel can't afford to p#ss off their other OEMs by giving Apple preferential treatment for pricing and availability - but Intel can give Apple special help in the engineering area.

    Apple could choose to give up the engineering support and use AMD chips whenever the agreement is up for renewal. But, as many have said, Intel's chips (and roadmap) are far better than AMD's roadmap right now....

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  • GFLPraxis
    Apr 15, 02:02 PM
    The OP was ambiguous ... I read it that the weapons used on 9/11 were still not banned. As opposed to not banned at the time.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    1980s - Aer Ligus Dublin - London; Air France Frankfurt - Paris; Rio Airways Killen, Texas - Dallas, Texas; TWA Athens - Beirut; Egypt Air Athens - Cairo; Malev Hungarian Airlines Prague - ?? ;

    1990s - Lufthansa Frankfort - Cairo; FedEx flight Memphis - ??; Air Malta Malta - Turkey; All Nippon (domestic flight);

    I've only listed those flights that departed from a European (and one Japanese) airport.... not European airlines that departed from non-European airports. After 9/11 there were still a number of hijackings, but the closest they come to European departure points are Nicosia, and Tirana. Though there was one from a Mexican Airport and one from a Caribbean airport. The Mexican hijacking was by a man threatening a bomb, but I don't think they actually found one.

    I'll grant you the eighties. Now we get in to the ninties and there' in the United States, and it's an employee hijacking a company plane (FedEx).

    So what's the correlation you're going for here? I'm not seeing it.

    I see a decline from the 70's to the 80's, but the 90's seems in line with 2K.

    We go ten years without a single commercial U.S. flight getting hijacked. Then 9/11. Then ten more years without. I'm not seeing some amazing statistical shift as a result of TSA. Further, I'm not seeing anything that justifies the new full body scanners. These were added without any supporting reasons.

    If your argument is that security changes post 9/11 have made things better than the previous decade, I think showing it via statistics will be shaky at best. Zero passenger-carrying hijacks in the U.S. in the decade before 9/11 followed by zero passenger-carrying hijacks in the U.S. in the decade after 9/11 is not a statistic you can make a very solid conclusion off of.

    And if your argument is that last year's full body scanners are justified, I would request much more evidence.

    And how may people have the TSA found?

    You tell me.

    And how many people have not even bothered to try, because they were afraid of getting caught?

    Same number as in the 90's.


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  • MattInOz
    Sep 30, 06:27 PM
    In the architectural drawing, above the kitchen and below the bedrooms (using the top of the image as up and the bottom of the image as down) there is a rectangular room with an arch inside it. It's not labeled like the rest is. Any ideas what that is?

    Initially I thought large pantry due to its location from the kitchen, but the pantry is labeled to the right of that area.

    Perhaps a library with round desk / seating? Sitting room with a circular hearth in the middle? Breakfast nook?

    The great thing about an open kitchen is the cook/s of the family isn't out of the life of the family, the bad thing is all your cooking mess is out there with you. So Best guess it's a "Butler's Pantry" or a service kitchen.
    Always the first luxury to be included in houses where space allows in even.
    Plus it's in the service core of the house so that would fit.

    Gives you some where to dump the dirty dishes if you don't want to deal with them till after guests leave or the next morning. To get round this you have two kitchens one in the main space for main meals another tucked away for prep and clean, plus the microwave or machines that make noise and go ping when you make popcorn to eat while watching the drop down home cinema screen as shown on one plan. Also if you have catering coming in for a formal diner it gives them some where out of the way to do their work.

    As for the round thing which is the only round element in the house.
    Well if it was my house that would be a wood fired dome oven or pizza oven.
    Great for roasting veges (and meat but doubt there will be any of that) and your own bread.

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  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 03:14 AM
    I just tried to imagine an Apple event night without the omnipresence of Chundles and my brain broke.

    Never going to happen. Just wait till 2am when my posts become even more incoherent than usual.

    EDIT - Don't everybody else do what conditionals just tried to do. A few people did it last Tuesday night and we broke the internet.


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  • Macnoviz
    Oct 11, 01:53 AM
    I think that would be really great, because now, Zune and iPod are on par, with Zune slightly ahead for consumers that don't think too much (no, it is not widescreen, but try telling that to people)

    Now Apple has a chance to realy boost Christmas sales by just blowing Zune out of the water with a cheaper "music" iPod (30 gigs, no video?, $199) and a video iPod (60/120 gigs, widescreen, touch controls $349, $449)

    I don't know about the specs or prices, but new and better iPods could kill Zune in it's first season, before m$ completes the lineup with more players and devices.

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  • prady16
    Oct 3, 02:21 PM
    I seriously believe that we will see a Steve Keynote before the MacWorld.
    I am sure this will be just before the holiday season to announce Apple's holiday lineup.


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    Jan 9, 04:44 PM
    Here: has less spoiler - first post!

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 13, 12:45 PM
    They also helped create an entire new software development industry

    Which software development industry would this be ? Embedded systems ? Mobile devices ?

    Nope, nothing new there. They expanded maybe, but they did not create.

    I'm not talking about the lower levels of computing. I'm talking about the parts of computing that End Users, who will never see an IDE in their entire lives. This is where computing is being redefined. They're shifting the way people use the "input. Process. Output.Store".

    Again for the people wanting very much to redefine computing, "shifting the way people use" is not redefining computing. At least qualify it properly as a shift in usability, not in computing. You are talking about the lower levels when you use the word computing.

    Why are some of you uninitiated insisting on using "computing" and claiming it is redefined ? Is it because a shift in usability doesn't sound as great accomplishment and you want to make what Apple did much bigger than it really is ? Stay objective please, don't involve emotions you have for a corporation in this discussion.


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  • skunk
    Apr 21, 11:19 AM
    That isn't it, because I can change the scores up or down (by TWO points) at will.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 8, 02:40 PM
    You forgot something. You are comparing diesel to unleaded even in hybrid form. You need to compare the generators (unlead to unlead). Now image if those very high gas mileage diesel running as a hybrid.
    The problem with battery right now is we are still working on a break threw. When we finally get a true break threw in battery technology I can see things really taking off.
    Batteries are very efficient at story power. problem is they are a little on the heavy side but we are getting better at it.

    Modern diesel hatchbacks like the Golf TDI (Euro engines, not the US-spec) can exceed 50-60mpg ( The Volt is harder to measure because it's a plugin, so some power comes from the grid. GM's own webiste is rather mealymouthed about fuel economy. At one point they claimed over 200mpg (, but that included a full batery charge from the grid. Using only its onboard generator it gets about 50mpg ( So all the extra tech essentially fails to improve on a diesel. The plugin feature may actually make the car less green/efficient if you get the juice from a dirty or inefficient power plant.

    I'd really like to agree with you, believe me. But the reason I'm skeptical is that we have no proof that a battery "breakthrough" is really on the horizon. I read somewhere that the overall efficiency of an electric car is currently only about 5-7% greater than a gasoline-powered car (EDIT here ( is a link for those numbers, but admittedly not a very good one). The energy efficiency of batteries is reasonably good, but they are still too big and heavy, as well as being expensive and dirty to manufacture. And again, electric cars are only as good as the powerplant they get power from, and that is where the biggest efficiency loss comes into play.

    As for the mass rail system. You might be thinking of the east coast. Trying coming to some city west of the Mississippi and you will see how little rail they have and we just do not have any good way to put a rail system in. It is very costly to retrofit those system in and it is a very slow process. Slowly it is happening but really the system that was designed in the past was based around people driving their own personal cars around. That was 40+ years ago that was put in so now it is harder to do put it in now.

    It's less logistics than politics, sadly. And you are right, it's not cheap. But we have to do it eventually. Moving to dependence on our interstates and letting passenger rail services atrophy was a mistake, and now we will be forced to fall back on our rail networks more.

    Electric cars (that are able to fully charge in under 20 minutes) subsidized by a solar panel roof is the future. Don't think a 300 mile range would be out of the question (within a few years) and would def work even in large countries like the U.S.

    If you look here, they are talking 5 minutes for 70% charge of the car, even though it is currently only a short range vehicle.

    Two issues with that: First, solar panels are neither practical in most states, nor to they really have the lifespan to do more than break-even interms of paying for the,mselves.

    Second, that juice still has to come from the power plants, with all the attendant downsides.

    I really don't want to sound like a naysayer, but "going green" has become so fashionable that I think people are ignoring the engineering realities. We want whizz-bang electrics and hybrids when a simple diesel would be much easier to get on the market literally today and dramatically decrease our national fuel consumption (and dependence on oil imports) while we work to perfect the next step in alternative fuel vehicles. One step at a time, people!

    Why are we letting Congress and the EPA block sales of diesels here that could be used in everyday cars in addition to series hybrids?


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  • Burgess07
    Apr 29, 06:46 PM
    I don't like this. Apple, give us an option to choose the iOS slider buttons!

    Or I will throw all my apple products out the window. :o:mad::apple:

    Like this? :p


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  • NT1440
    Mar 3, 08:09 PM
    Wow. This is the boldest the GOP has been in a while. Not even trying to hide the fact that they're just trying to do away with union rights and the right to organize.:mad:

    Fines for strikes? Is there a link to the actual text of this bill anywhere?


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  • paradox00
    May 3, 03:23 PM
    Shocking that carriers would take steps to stop people from stealing service from them.

    You did not pay for tethering data. That is a separate charge. By circumventing the system you are stealing. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it.

    It is not a gray area.. it is black and white. The contracts specifically say the data you pay for does not include tethering. Tethering costs extra.

    Contract terms require "consideration" from both parties to be legally binding. Consideration is something you provide to the other party (i.e., money from you, data services from your carrier).

    What consideration are the carriers offering you for tethering? You're already paying $X for Y GB of data used on your phone. It doesn't matter to the carrier if your Netflix app is using it, or your tethering app is sending the data to your laptop. Nothing changes on their end, they just send the data that you've already paid for to your phone, and your phone handles the rest.

    You're right, it is black and white. It's a scam aimed at exploiting consumers like yourself who don't know any better, with an illegal contract term. I hope this goes to court soon, before the carriers in Canada (where I am) try to pull the same BS.

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  • miamialley
    Apr 8, 01:55 PM
    I realize this is a rumor site, but posting conflicting rumors in the same day is getting obnoxious. Is there ANY fact checking at all?

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  • Willis
    Jan 9, 05:30 PM
    god damn... got to 35 mins... then it stopped. tried to re-open it, failed due to high demand.

    ah well, its 23:30 anyway, and I have an exam in the morning, better go do some last minute revision.

    Apr 7, 04:32 PM
    Just got a bamboo plant for my desk...not the vase/pebbles...

    also a red velvet whoopie pie, and a vanilla cake whoopie pie..

    Both things from Reading Terminal Market in Philly...:D

    May 4, 03:32 AM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

    Ill buy one when it gets multiple user accounts.

    Apr 4, 08:24 AM
    1) If you want to contact someone senior in Microsoft, contact an MVP first. There are MVPs for XBox. MVPs have many contacts inside Microsoft, and if they see fit, might forward your request.

    2) If you have a wireless network, and other devices can connect to it, then chances are you are using NAT. If you are using NAT, then both your own computer and the XBox360 would have the same public IP address, in which case you already know your public IP. Therefore, the IP address of the XBox is irrelevant - in this case.

    3) If the thief in question has left the area, and connects to the internet again through another network, then they will obviously have a different IP Address, and you can possibly use route #1 to track down the individual.

    You also mentioned that you know the device has been on the internet because of certain internet services. If you can contact one of those - after the device reconnects - it might be easier to get the device's IP address from those individuals rather than Microsoft.
    (bear in mind, Microsoft might be legally bound to not give out user-identifiable information, irrespective of the circumstances)
    So if you can get the IP in question, you now know the ISP in question, and the ISP would (should) be able to track which user account or telephone number or address was using that particular IP address at that particular time.
    This of course brings you back to the original problem of tracking down where the unit is etc. etc., but it makes more sense to do this now.

    I'm sure there is something you could have done or will be able to do in relation to checking signal strength from other devices by walking around with a laptop in order to figure out a rough location of the wireless device.
    They could do this in the 40s with radio transmissions so I'm sure it's not beyond the realms of possibility to do it in the 21st century :)

    Just my €0.02 :)

    Dec 24, 12:19 AM
    My question is if AT&T's exclusivity indeed DOESN'T expire until 2012, then what's the deal with the lack of AT&T iPhone commercials on TV these days? There was a time, not so long ago, when it seemd like every other TV commercial was AT&T whoring the iPhone. Now, it seems like I never see iPhone ads on TV and AT&T is touting every other phone EXCEPT the iPhone.

    Well AT&T has never directly designed commercials around the iPhone. Those commercials have always been done by Apple and just simply put have the carrier logo at the end of it.

    Jan 9, 12:08 AM
    - Thin laptop
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    - Macbook in silver and black
    - A PDA (I know we have the iPhone and iPod Touch...)
    - AppleTV bump and iTunes rentals
    - iTunes 7.6

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