Tuesday, May 31, 2011

computer wallpaper desktop background

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  • 1024 computer wallpaper.

  • SPEEDwithJJ
    Apr 12, 03:13 PM
    Wait......do you guys have a little obsession with cupcakes, or an obsession with little cupcakes?

    I just want to be clear, that's all. ;)

    Haha. :D That's a good one. I LOL at that! :p

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  • Desktop Nexus Wallpapers

  • PorterRocks
    Mar 24, 09:07 PM
    Happy Birthday, OS X. I've known you since 2007 when my computer running that other OS got the nastiest virus I had ever seen. (Fried the hard drive AND the power supply)

    After that happened I went to the local Apple store to check out "The Apples" as I called them at the time. I had always been told since I was a kid that "Apple computers are terrible", but I wanted to check them out. Needless to say I picked up a Mac mini that day and haven't looked back. I've since owned two macbook's, 3 iPod's, 4 iPhone's, 1 iPad and am about to pick up my second Mac mini.

    I couldn't be happier. :apple: fan for life!

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  • computer desktop wallpaper

  • kuwisdelu
    Apr 29, 03:47 PM
    Hmm, I thought the way it was in the older Lion builds looked nicer.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. Desktop Wallpaper (47)
  • Desktop Wallpaper (47)

  • johndallas999
    Apr 25, 01:34 PM
    I don't get the fascination with a marginal bigger screen, if I need a bigger screen I get my iPad.

    It's just a preference thing. I don't think it's the way everyone feels but that's like saying, I don't understand why people think 3.5" screen is plenty. People have different tastes/opinions. I would certainly prefer a larger screen if the phone size can be kept the same size.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. desktop computer wallpaper
  • desktop computer wallpaper

  • xlosltove777
    Nov 16, 01:58 PM
    Before my recent purchase of an iMac my whole family used AMD PC's, and I found that they performed pretty well at low-heat to. I had a AMD 64X2 4400+ and it ran idle at 30�C , it maxed out around 40� with stock heatsink.
    While I'll admit Intel is ahead right now in tech. AMD does have "native" quad-core which should perform better than the Intel Quad-Core machines and on the lower-end AMD chips are in my opinion a great deal. They're also have some low-end chips which are going to be used in the OLPC so it could be used in some sub-notebook maybe?
    But I don't think we'll see Apple add some AMD chips to their lineup for at least 6 months.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. desktop computer wallpaper
  • desktop computer wallpaper

  • hatersgonnahate
    Apr 13, 04:40 PM
    Sure thing.What made you choose the samson's over the swans?

    usb connection.
    ipod dock. and 3.5mm out.

    the swans look a lot nicer though.:p

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  • computer wallpaper flowers.

  • Appstur
    Apr 15, 07:33 PM
    The design is nice and I honestly wouldn't doubt that Apple might make the new iphone similar to this since the macs and the ipad are taking that turn, however like others have said, this is a fake because the aluminum would block the 3G receiver. Unless Apple magically found a way to get around that issue! which would be AMAZING!

    Here is an idea, because the apple logo is black plastic, why not put the 3G receiver behind the Apple logo? ;)

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  • christmas computer wallpaper

  • whooleytoo
    Jan 8, 10:54 AM
    BTW, I had to laugh when they demoed FMV used as a wallpaper in Vista, and the crowd ooohed and awwed and clapped. :)

    I'd be more impressed if Leopard used Core Video, and did translucent effects on your desktop (say, a picture of water, with an occasional ripple flowing across it. Or a picture of leave on a tree, which sway from side to side in the wind). Much less distracting than a video.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. computer wallpaper backgrounds
  • computer wallpaper backgrounds

  • Eidorian
    Nov 17, 04:15 PM

    This is the first I've heard the story put that way. I've many times heard it said that Apple has kept versions of the Mac OS running on different CPUs in their labs, especially since the switch to OS X. Do you have any evidence to back up your supposition?http://lowendmac.com/orchard/05/0613.html

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  • wallpaper+computer. desktop-

  • fivepoint
    May 5, 03:21 PM
    So, to me a question about firearms in the home seems perfectly within the scope of evaluating risks, and more probably, helping to provide information for parents.

    Doctors shouldn't ask these questions to be busybodies, but to make good decisions and provide care.

    That's kinda the whole point here, isn't it? You may think it's ok, others may not. We're all different, all of our situations are different, different families have more/less, or just different risk than other families. There's no right, there's no wrong, the point is we don't need the damn government getting involved and telling doctors what they can and can't ask. Or for that matter telling doctors who they must and who they musn't provide care for. It's a private transaction between the customer and the physician, so leave it at that. Don't tread on me.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. computer wallpaper hd. desktop
  • computer wallpaper hd. desktop

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:35 AM
    I can hear it now "By the way, Macbooks and Macbook Pro's now come with Core 2 Duo Processors...Now on with the show!"

    Eh well, A guy can dream can't he?

    Yes, you can dream. Dream it you ********** dreamers.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. Cute Computer Wallpaper
  • Cute Computer Wallpaper

  • mattcube64
    Apr 7, 12:47 AM
    About damn time too...

    ~awesome camera gear~

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    :eek: NICE!!! Man, I am green with jealous rage. Makes my 40D, kit lens, and 50 1.8 seem so, so pathetic.

    Anyway, my pickup for the day:

    Madden Football for 3DS. Not a football fan, at all... and the only football game I've ever purchased was NFL Blitz. But, a buddy of mine was gonna trade it in, and so he said I could just have it for $15. Figured the launch lineup isn't great, anyway... so even if I only get four or five hours of play from it, I'll get my money's worth.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. Amazing Pumpkins Desktop
  • Amazing Pumpkins Desktop

  • zelman
    Oct 19, 10:06 AM
    Does anyone know their marketshare in terms of computers in use?

    computer wallpaper desktop background. Desktop Wallpaper (48)
  • Desktop Wallpaper (48)

  • Mac
    Aug 1, 09:16 AM
    What happened in France will weigh heavily into the decision. Though the Consumer Council (CC) will never admit to that it still will matter. In the beginning everyone here in Norway thought that if the CC would push too hard that Apple and its subsidiary iTMS Luxembourg would pull out, but after heavy consumer discussion it all kind of mellowed out in the summer months.

    I heavily doubt that the DRM demand from CC would be admitted to by Apple/iTMS. As for the legal and contractual language I am quite sure that Apple/iTMS will change this and thus comply with the most important demand from CC.

    Still, the French outcome will be enormously important for all of Europe, not just France and Norway.

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  • cool computer wallpaper

  • Ger Teunis
    Apr 29, 03:15 PM

    computer wallpaper desktop background. desktop computer wallpaper
  • desktop computer wallpaper

  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 07:53 AM
    No need to argue or try to change his mind. When someone is very close minded there is no reasoning.


    There are some really good PC manufacturers and for some windows is a good fit. OSX has some great advantages over windows, but it also has some disadvantages. You pick the computer (and OS) that best fits your needs. I like the idea of building my own computer and I can pick exactly what components I want into the computer - that's another option. You can then run windows or OSX (or even Linux) depending on which you prefer.

    The childish fanboyism the posted here does nothing to add to the dialog.

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  • free wallpaper for desktop

  • fujian90
    Oct 10, 12:53 AM
    I look forward to a first-rate biography of Steve Jobs, an American original. His life � what a story! I�d read about it any day, in any form? long after the iStuff is forgotten.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. computer wallpaper backgrounds
  • computer wallpaper backgrounds

  • charlituna
    Apr 15, 11:10 PM
    I am more curious how the labels are going to try to renegotiate contracts with Apple once Steve moves on.

    I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.

    computer wallpaper desktop background. set as desktop background
  • set as desktop background

  • drlunanerd
    Nov 27, 04:54 AM
    They are doing a similar event in the UK on Friday 1st December - a 'one day only special sales event'

    It says it's a "shopping event" (http://www.apple.com/uk/retail/shopping/?CDM-EU-0994) though, not a sale.

    Oct 7, 07:40 AM
    I haven't read the thread..... but i had my first Verizon issue on monday. In my area i couldn't make a call.... i finally when to the Verizon store to see what was up.

    48 towers down.
    36 towers up.

    And a ever so wonderful :rolleyes: saleslady that had the personality of a..... anyway, she was very rude about it. In fact, i told her, "Hey, drop the attitude, i'm a non-contract customer - don't make me want to walk elsewhere."

    The analogy i used regarding her.... couldn't sell water to a fish. UGH.

    It's been the only major issue with Verizon in the 15 years we've been with them really.... and it wouldn't have been as bad if my stupid Comcast internet had been functional. IT's been up and down since Saturday and i'm starting to lose it.

    ANYWAY, the coverage map is the first thing i tell people to check when asking for input on a carrier. Then ask people you know how their coverage is where you live. It's the only thing that matters.....

    Apr 27, 04:54 AM
    What version of IE are you on?


    Currently 8.0.6001.18702 on Windows XP, not sure of the version of XP as I am on a citrix connection that is locked down so can't check.

    May 4, 04:10 PM
    To a user in a bright environment, it's a glare.

    Just turn the screen brightness up. Don't be such a baby.

    Even with the brightness on maximum, the iPad, which is a tablet, gets better battery life than most smartphones.

    Sep 12, 08:47 AM
    I have actually rented a movie from the Unbox store and despite a crappy UI, problems starting the download, and having to use an S-video cable to connect my laptop to the TV, I found the experience better than expected.

    Just how bad were you expecting Unbox to be?

    That's like saying despite my flight being delayed, the airline losing my luggage, and my hotel burning down, my vacation wasnt too bad...

    Nov 27, 05:48 PM
    Sale Day MB 2/120 now shipping! :)

    Shipment exception. :(

    C'est la vie.

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