Sunday, May 29, 2011

heart break quotes

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  • Atlasland
    Aug 7, 02:25 PM
    Makes them a little more attractive to the penny concious buyer.

    More importantly, cutting price of the current design signals the arrival of a new design in the not-too-distant-future.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 5, 04:35 PM
    This is stupid.

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  • chrisd1974
    Apr 5, 04:16 PM
    Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe what the world really needs is a 3 hour Zoomba infomercial app. Or an app extolling the benefits of the snuggie. And the excuse 'hey dude, I work in advertising' is not a good reason to criticise people who see this app for what it is, a pile of ****. If you work in advertising, the best thing you could do is make a note of the fact that everyone who DOESN'T work in advertising thinks this is a pile of **** and modify your advertising strategy accordingly.

    It's like people at burger king reacting to the fact that everyone hates burger king by saying 'these burgers are useful to me, because I work at burger king'

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  • pink-pony115
    Oct 3, 04:53 PM
    I wouldn't care to see more of iTv...but my cards are rested in Steve going in dept of the iTv :o

    I don't care about the iPhone or the "true" video ipod...they are just some old rumors.

    ....crafty though


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  • rovex
    Mar 19, 05:30 PM

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    you Americans have some ridiculous proverbs/figure of speeches that no other Anglophones around the world can even attempt to understand.

    And the English language's inception was here in England so why do Americans spell rumours 'rumors'? And there are an abundance of similar examples.

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  • Funny Heart Break Quotes

  • DStaal
    Oct 4, 08:58 AM
    ...I'd like The Steve to walk on stage and announce that they absolutely will not release certain products, so the ones that keep coming up as rumours over and over again that stand no chance of ever seeing the light of day (Apple phone, I'm looking at you) stop getting taken seriously, and the rumour sites that have promoted the idea finally get egg on their faces.

    You do realize that would only vindicate the rumor, and people would say he's only saying that because he doesn't want anyone leaking the info on the product Apple's developing...

    Steve standing up there, bringing in the head of every development department, and having each one describe precisely what they are working on still would not stop the rumors of 'secret' projects. :rolleyes:


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  • tigress666
    May 3, 02:03 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

    I agree with this. AT&T at least got a little better once Verizon got the iphone by offering additional GB for the extra charge they charged for tethering so at least you actually got something for that extra money (vs. being ripped off for being charged to use the data you already paid for).

    But overall, if you are paying for the actual data (paying for a set amount), it should not matter how you use it. But I could see on a "all you can eat" plan where it would matter how you use it cause some ways you'd end up using it a lot more than they planned for (basically I think it is fair in an all you can eat style plan, food or data ;), to specify rules on what you can do. I mean even in all you can eat buffets they have rules like no taking home food or you're only allowed there for an hour or you have to eat everything and not just pick out stuff otherwise it is too easily abused to the point that they wouldn't make a profit. It is the same way with data use).

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  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Sep 26, 02:04 PM
    Code optimization & tweaking is always good.. very good, but you'll eventually run up against the limitations of the processor. I've been having that issue for the past two weeks here at work. Disk usage hasn't been the problem, it's just me needing more horsepower than the dual G5 can muster.

    a C2D MBP would give you what? Maybe a 20% speed bump. I doubt you'd notice except if you used a stop watch. For photographers and Videographers I doubt C2D would bing even a 20% boost as their main bottleneck is the speed of the disk.

    Try this experiment: Bring up Activity Monitor and see if the CPU is as 100% if it is not a faster CPU will do nothing for you. On a Mac the CPU is at 100% mostly when transcoding or redering, those tasks will go faster after the speed bump

    My gues is that the code re-work inside Aperture will speed things up MUCH more than a C2D could.


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  • Cassie
    Jan 13, 03:44 AM
    And white text is not the best choice, because the background of MacRumors isn't white, it is color #FAFAFA. Get with the program people.

    I beg to differ.:)

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 07:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    Some people just don't like to be tracked. If the data fell into to hands of an untoward person, then there might be an issue.

    Who is this "untoward person"?

    What would the "issue" be?


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  • Heartbreak, Heartbreak Quotes

  • Veri
    Oct 1, 03:55 PM
    [Humanity] has a very long history of common people being subject to the will & whim of the rich & powerful & connected.

    The USA exists precisely because some of those common people got tired of such treatment and made it clear they would do with their land what they saw fit.
    You're just making history up. There is no allodial title to land in US law. There is no allodial title to land in Californian law. Where Jobs is and where I am, all land belongs to the government. Independence was from the British Crown, and while the US and/or its states might have had the opportunity to create absolute property ownership, today you have no recognition by the US and only a couple of states even considering it.

    How [the past] gets in the way of the present & future.
    There's enough space. But the eloquence of your argument would have been improved if you'd just quoted policy straight from 1984 :D.

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  • Satori
    Apr 15, 04:42 PM
    There are plenty of competition. Look back the history for the past 10 years. Almost all of them, including Microsoft's versions, failed against iTunes.

    Absolutely correct!

    What I meant is that a competitor, that might stick around, would be a good thing for iTunes store users in terms of both pricing & usability. I don't have any particular beef with iTunes store - it is fine, but who knows what sort of improvements some decent competition might bring.


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  • RSS. this entry from meaghano

  • jrtc27
    Apr 30, 03:45 AM
    No, because then as pointed out by your MS friend, it would be Windows NT 6.1 ;) Your blog post even says it doesn't make sense, so I don't see how "MS gave you info" when your "source" says it doesn't make any sense.

    The reason why it is 6.1 is to maintain compatibility with software/drivers that worked in Vista - they did not want another Vista moment!

    I don't get why everybody hates this UI change - I personally think it looks a lot better and people will not get confused:).

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  • lordonuthin
    Aug 14, 07:50 PM
    well i added 2 more GPUs to my folding mix. i got a gtx 465 folding in the same rig as a gtx 260. it took awhile, but finally have them both folding with the gpu3 client. we'll see how it does

    Ooooh! great, it will be good to get the points on our team from that 465!


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  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 03:19 PM
    1. What business is it if a pediatrician asks if there are guns in the home? A child is more likely to get hit by a car, should the doctor be asking if their home is situated on a street? This reeks of a doctor playing politics.

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  • psycoswimmer
    Jan 9, 02:00 PM
    Wow, so much for the spoiler free link. I just checked the page and saw WHAT THEY ANNOUNCED in some kind of news ticker!!!!!!!

    Maybe next year.

    :mad: I just refreshed before you said that and I saw that too. Ah, well. We don't know any details so the wait isn't completely lost.


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  • NebulaClash
    May 3, 10:36 PM
    Apple commercials are bright, uplifting and show how technology enhances the human experience. They show people using iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, etc in everyday situations. However Android Zoom, BB Playbook, Tab are dark, joyless with people abducted by aliens, enveloped and overpowered by machines, etc.

    Agreed, and it is the big long-term mistake Android marketers are making. When you appeal to young males in your ads, while repelling everyone else, you limit your product's long-term appeal. Gadget blogs don't see the problem because they are mostly young males.

    Apple ads appeal to everyone the way traditional Coke or McDonalds ads did and often still do.

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  • *LTD*
    Mar 24, 03:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8F190)

    Happy Birthday, iOS.


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  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 12, 09:12 AM
    Is that true of the MacBook and the 15.4" MacBook Pro? I thought they didn't have DL.

    Hey, I just looked at you're right! That's pretty f'n chinsy of Apple! They advertise them as READING DL discs, which is what confused me... deceptive marketing bastards. Seriously, I can see (I guess) not putting it in the MB Pro if it meant they couldnt get it as thin as they wanted, but the MB really is under know such constraint - people aren't buying it for being uber slim and sexy. It's a good looking, functional, somewhat low priced portable. It only lacks the DL 'cuz the Pro does... the mini gets a DL drive!

    May 5, 09:30 AM
    Are you truly anti-gun or have you just not been exposed to them so that you understand how fun it is:

    1) Use a shotgun to shoot clay targets;

    2) Shoot a rifle, pistol or revolver and realize how much fun it is to shoot a gun and hit your paper target, bowling pin or tin can;

    funny how here in austria with it's conscription service one can easily see how the majority of 18 year olds turn from pro gun to anti gun within 6 months

    after being grouped together with a whole age group across intelligence levels to handle guns, one simply can not take a pro gun stance

    May 3, 10:18 PM
    and if you ask an owner they'd say "why the heck does it still checkerboard on Safari when we try to scroll, that's why we sold the iPad 1". :o :(

    Literally the only reason for my upgrade was the checkerboard lag. Still does it. Maybe by iPad 4 it'll be fixed.

    Sep 28, 12:03 PM
    Oh i'm sure there will be LOTS of technology in the house.

    I bet he'll be able to control everything via an app on his iPhone.

    The house itself doesn't need to be HUGE. He can still apply a lot of technology into the house making it worth millions!

    Apr 27, 07:49 PM
    No, self refers to the instance of the object that is executing the currently running code. It is highly context dependant.

    Inside a method of your view controller, yes, self refers to your view controller. Inside a method in your view object, self refers to the view object. Inside the NSTimer object, self refers to the NSTimer.

    Yes, that's what I though.. I was asked the meaning of "target", so I gave an example that target:self in NSTimer refer to the timer object (one of my quiz questions), but I can't remember his name.. said that "self" refer to the controller even inside the NSTimer. That's why I said.. interesting, I mean.. all of you should know what your talking about a lot more than me. (specially Master balamw)

    About the timer and how it's going... well, I really don't have time to continue to make it work, so I have postpone it for a later update. I just need to learn more about it to fix it. But hey, If you feel like giving the answer, go ahead.

    The only thing that I'm missing is to restart the Timer (or use another one). Invalidating my Timer only pauses it, even = nil or releasing it, my Timer just continues where it left.

    I have found a tutorial where you can start, stop and reset a timer, I could use that, but I want a datePicker to select time and the tutorial doesn't show that. Here is the link:

    Please, let me know if you need more code of the timer. I think I have share all of it.

    balamw;12474773]By this point I would have expected Nekbeth to have called us "Nazis" instead of "Pros" in order to satisfy Godwin's Law ('s_law).

    that is the dumbest thing I've read in a while :p

    Sep 12, 09:12 AM
    Is that true of the MacBook and the 15.4" MacBook Pro? I thought they didn't have DL.

    Hey, I just looked at you're right! That's pretty f'n chinsy of Apple! They advertise them as READING DL discs, which is what confused me... deceptive marketing bastards. Seriously, I can see (I guess) not putting it in the MB Pro if it meant they couldnt get it as thin as they wanted, but the MB really is under know such constraint - people aren't buying it for being uber slim and sexy. It's a good looking, functional, somewhat low priced portable. It only lacks the DL 'cuz the Pro does... the mini gets a DL drive!

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