Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ruby heartstealer

ruby heartstealer. Ruby the Heart Stealer
  • Ruby the Heart Stealer

  • LoneWolf121188
    Jan 10, 04:29 PM
    Whilst hilarious for the first few times, it did go on way too far.

    And they shouldn't have done it to live presentations, that's just plain evil.

    Agreed. The first time I was ROFLing. When they kept doing it though...idk. I think its fine during the live presentations, but just once. I'm glad they admitted it though, that makes it a lot better.

    ruby heartstealer. Tagged #39;ruby heartstealer#39;
  • Tagged #39;ruby heartstealer#39;

  • DoFoT9
    May 15, 05:47 PM
    thanks. are you sure it will work from the login screen?

    oh you have a login screen. only logmein.com will work with that. the others will being on logon.

    maybe implement a two-tier system? :D

    ruby heartstealer. Spotlight on Ruby Heartstealer
  • Spotlight on Ruby Heartstealer

  • BanjoBanker
    Sep 25, 11:37 AM
    So... what are we supposed to run this monstrosity on? The G5 QUADS had a hard enough time running the first one. I can't imagine running this on an iMac or worse... a mac mini.


    I run Aperture on a 20" G5 iMac. I know people running on Dual Quad G5s that love it. You either don't run this software or have some serious issue w/ you Mac.

    ruby heartstealer. #39;Ruby, the heart stealer#39;,
  • #39;Ruby, the heart stealer#39;,

  • French iPod
    Apr 9, 10:13 AM

    Pokemon DSI, with pokemon black for �99 \M/

    O.o i love the packaging :D it's so black:p never played a pokemon game since the gold edition on my gameboy color and i was around 14...

    anyway i'm going to get my Just Cause 2 copy today @ EBGAMES so freaking exciting squeee:D


    ruby heartstealer. but Ruby #39;Heartstealer#39;
  • but Ruby #39;Heartstealer#39;

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 15, 07:31 PM
    Sounds like the Record companies are being their typical stupid selves. Only reason Apple is really able to get away with it is because they are Apple. It is not the closed system part but because they are Apple. I bet if the record company could they would say F you to Apple and pull out. I also would not be surpised if they regreat now making a deal with them when iTunes first launched.

    The record companies might not like the deal they struck with Apple but I bet they like the fact that they got that money still coming in. In this day and age were almost everyone pirates there music at least with iTunes some people are still buying music. Some money is better than no money.

    Amazon on it cloud stuff just said F-You to the record company and Amazon has enough sells like Apple iTMS that they can force the music company to bend over and take it.

    Without getting licensing in place before launch I can see this bitting Amazon in the ass just like what happen to Google with the Google TV. No wonder why Apple is still talking to record companies.


    ruby heartstealer. ruby heartstealer. ruby Ruby
  • ruby heartstealer. ruby Ruby

  • twoodcc
    Apr 20, 11:08 AM
    Sounds like me sometimes with things not working and spending way more time than on it than I thought, hopefully you can get everything working, I think you are better at it than I am.

    thanks. things aren't quite working out right at the moment. i think i might have messed up the motherboard somehow. my homebuilt i7 just isn't working right. i'm away for work during the week, but i think this coming weekend will spent on this computer again. i might have to buy another motherboard i'm thinking though


    ruby heartstealer. or “Ruby Heart-Stealer,”
  • or “Ruby Heart-Stealer,”

  • Jethrotoe
    Apr 28, 06:07 AM
    I must say, I have never seen a more patient group of mentors in my life.
    Hats off to ya. You are all great. I've learned volumes reading your posts.

    And thank you.

    ruby heartstealer. ruby heartstealer
  • ruby heartstealer

  • dsnort
    Aug 3, 09:08 PM
    I'm going to try to do this without all that cumbersome quoting we've been doing.

    1.Cool, we all need to laugh sometimes. And big company or individual, right is right, and wrong is wrong. It is no more ethical to trample the rights of the large than it is to run roughshod over the small. ( Because where do you draw the line between big and small, and who gets to decide?) And just in case you think I will always jump to Apples defense, I personally think they are dead wrong on the dead pixel issue. Anyone receiving a new product from a manufacturer has a right to expect it to be properly functional with no obvious defects.

    2.What? We agree on something? ( I must have my open mind meter set too high!)

    3.Disagree that iPod is a monopoly. MP3 players introduced in 1998, first download service, Napster P2P, in 1999. iPod into'd 2001. If I remember correctly currently 70% of market(?). Even the French legislature admitted that there was fierce competition in the online music business, and that the competition was effective.

    4.I believe Apples letter to the CC of Norway clarified that changes to the agreement only affected FUTURE downloads, and had no effect on files downloaded prior to the change. There is no "Ex Post Facto" effect.

    5. Ehhh, the balance of power can be a bit slippery. The maiin reason they have all the power, is because we give it to them! We vote with our dollars. Just like the main reason we have $3.00/gallon gas (US) is because we continue to go to the pump and pay $3.00 for a gallon of gas. If we would find ways to limit our usage, the price would come down. But everyone is convinced that they should be able to jump in an auto and hare off around town on the slightest pretext. The wife and I have reduced our gas bill about 40% a week just by taking the time to plan out our trips so as to accomplish as much as possible in one trip, instead of making 5 trips. (Meanwhile, my sister inlaw lives in her car, and is the loudest complainer about the price of gas you've ever heard)
    Similiarly, we have this insane argument over the terms of some service we didn't even know about 10 years ago, but have convinced ourselves we can't live without!

    6.As for the cd thing, I guess only time will which of us, if either of us, is right.

    Well, the wifes abed, need to go before she gets sleepy;)

    G'night, and look forward to hearing from you.



    ruby heartstealer. Ruby #39;the heart stealer? to
  • Ruby #39;the heart stealer? to

  • Dagless
    Mar 28, 02:52 PM
    Eh, they could do with renaming this award ceremony. "App Store Award"? It's hardly "Apple Design Awards" if they're excluding a lot of those developers.

    ruby heartstealer. ruby heartstealer
  • ruby heartstealer

  • MathiasMag
    Jul 23, 12:54 AM
    So with all the speak of how unacceptable this is. Who has actually decided that the iPhone 4 is so bad that they returned their phone AND bought another advanced phone? It seems to me that there are a lot of people who has never owned one that are critical, but most of those who actually has bought one are really happy with their phone.


    ruby heartstealer. as Ruby Heartstealer.
  • as Ruby Heartstealer.

  • twoodcc
    Apr 11, 12:44 AM
    I know!! Last year they had the Mac Pro out before the cpu's were even announced by Intel!

    yeah i know! i don't know what's going on these days. apple is only concerned with iphone and ipad, but developers gotta have systems to build the apps with!

    and not just that, apple has a market for mac pros. but it will only continue to get smaller if they ignore it

    ruby heartstealer. Who is Ruby Heartbreaker?
  • Who is Ruby Heartbreaker?

  • Links
    Aug 10, 02:22 PM
    Stoid and Links: Is there a spec sheet enclosed with your new displays? Do they reflect the updated specs? I'm thinking of getting a 23" myself (directly from a local Apple Store), but I'd want to check the serial # (if possible) before I commit.


    Yes and no.
    The spec sheet avoids any mention of brightness or contrast ratio.
    Guess Apple doesn't want to be bothered printing a new manual every time the panel manufacturer does an update.
    Does come with a nice cloth for cleaning the screen though.

    I would make sure you serial number is in the 2A62XXXXXXX range.
    2A7XXXXXXXX would be later if they are at that number yet.


    ruby heartstealer. ruby heartstealer. ruby
  • ruby heartstealer. ruby

  • just2see
    Jul 21, 02:24 PM
    With all this being said by haters and non-haters, haters go to apple store or att and buy the i4 and see for yourselves, you have 30 days to return it for full refund. Take the time and really experience the phone, take to account in the mid 80's att had to deregulate it's control of market, so the public has a choice other than att as a service. So, there's your weak signal areas, some people has no choice but to have what's available to them and be stuck with a non-iphone product line and should not be complaining of lack of experience. Don't jump on the band wagon and base you conclusion from others and start hating the iphone since you haven't experience iphone 2g in the past.

    ruby heartstealer. ruby heartstealer. ruby
  • ruby heartstealer. ruby

  • Cooknn
    Sep 12, 09:20 AM
    Perhaps they'll include HD-DVD burners in the new MBP's. :)I figure that's why the new Mac Pro's come with the extra optical drive bay - to accomodate a Blu-Ray / HD-DVD drive when they hit the streets. Then we can burn true HD content (with Dolby Digital EX sound).


    ruby heartstealer. ruby heartstealer.
  • ruby heartstealer.

  • Nitrocide
    Apr 15, 07:35 PM
    I thought this was the new iPhone HD:


    Now if that's fake, they did a damn good job. (and have a ton of time on their hands)

    On a related note, does anyone know how to embed a YT video in a post?

    Bit too in your face and unrefined for me, the fat chrome sides make it look pretty odd! I do love the alu design far more than the plastic one though!

    ruby heartstealer. Ruby Heartstealer and
  • Ruby Heartstealer and

  • Patrick J
    Apr 15, 03:59 PM
    This would be popular with suicides (cut throat sharp edges) and PC users (device has numerous huge holes which may or not have a function).


    ruby heartstealer. (Ruby Heartstealer),
  • (Ruby Heartstealer),

  • roadbloc
    Mar 14, 04:23 AM
    Wait a while.
    I'm still waiting for Laptops to kill Desktops like everyone said they were going to in the early 2000's.

    iPads will sell. So will Laptops. So will Desktops. So will Servers. The iPad will not, and simply cannot replace them all. It's impossible.

    ruby heartstealer. Ruby Heartstealer
  • Ruby Heartstealer

  • benzslrpee
    Mar 13, 01:52 AM
    easy answer to the original question. they have different product strategies. why does BMW crank out sexy M3s while Toyota and Honda try to make every sedan look as conservative as possible?

    can BMW switch markets? sure. however, BMW will dilute their brand equity by playing in a lower market segment. so for better or worse, BMW always has to produce products that are in comparison more luxurious, innovative and unique compared with Detroit and Japan.

    Apple faces a similar situation.

    ruby heartstealer. Karima El Mahroug, aka Ruby,
  • Karima El Mahroug, aka Ruby,

  • kwikdeth
    Apr 16, 08:36 AM
    Obviously fake. Look at the slanted iPhone writing on the bottom photo. Horrible photoshop skills

    yup, that it's tell. unfortunate as I actually rather like the concept. ive never been happy with the iphone's back panel since the 3g got released due to the fact it's not flat.

    Jan 12, 08:35 AM
    You see, this is my point. Zero criticism. Steve Jobs ***** on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    If it's an iPod first then why's it got such ****** capacity? Why's it called the iPhone? Seriously, are you a genuine music producer that's happy to walk around with just 8 gigs worth of music?

    I don't carry around a 400 gig seagate hard drive - I carry around a 60 gig iPod because it does a great job. I don't have whatever phone you were talking about because I don't need a phone with a crappy mp3 player - I have an iPod. I'm guessing the price you quote is without a contract too.

    This thing costs so much because Jobs knows you people will buy anything he tells you to. Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?

    Revolution? Tell me when it starts.

    As a genuine music producer I have more than enough devices to listen to music on. I actually, don't like the quality of mp3s/aacs.. whatever. You do realize how slim the phone is right? Oh.. yes, its an ipod, and a phone.. and a fully functional internet device.

    The point here is not that people can question something.. it's that people automatically attack a product without even realizing that it's the best out there. And I don't automatically praise every Apple product there is. If something is worth the praise, then yes, it's called for.. and rightly so.

    Rather, the people who post 'what? its only got 8 gb? pffft.. its only got safari? pfft.. photo management? bah humbug.. quad gsm? crap.. 2 megapixel cam? not impressed'

    I want YOU to come up with the phone of your dreams, keep it slim so it looks like a phone and not a Palm Treo piece of rock.. and make it priced comparable to other phones.. or rather, a little lower than the other high-end phones out there. I swear, everyone here obviously has the skills to manufacture a high-end phone out of their a$$.

    COMPARE this phone to the other high-end phones.. and THEN talk. I did buy fancy phones.. Palm Treos were a nightmare. I hate Motorola's UI.. Sony Ericsson and Nokia were the only functional phones. But I saw the iPhone's UI.. features, etc.. and the price is right. I'm not buying the iphone simply because it's an apple product. If sony had made a phone like this.. I would have bought it as well.

    With every popular product.. or creative company.. comes along a bunch of retards who think every other brand out there is better. I will forever be grateful to OS X simply because of the productivity it provides, which is good for me and my career. A phone with OS X and features comparable to other top notch phones (and better)? I'm sold.

    And by the way.. this is MACrumors. Yes, we mac addicts do share the love. I'm getting the feeling that people who can't afford this stuff.. seem to do the most whining and bit@ching, and find every possible flaw there is.

    I prefer that technology to be made larger and turned into... anti crash aircraft, aircraft that flies on anti gravity and by definition will never crash.

    A bunch of floating speakers, who cares! Noise pollution man!

    Um, my point in the first place was that people would say "Wow.. how the hell did they manage to make speakers that float in the air" .. as in a physical feat that is impossible to achieve. I'm sure if I saw something levitate.. for e.g. speakers.. or for your sake.. anti-crash aircraft.. I wouldn't say 'EW'

    This is a discussion related to phones.. and the ipod combo.. and hence that example.

    Nov 14, 11:15 PM
    Really, the only part i can accurately remember from MW2 is the DC section. I live in the south-east corner of PA so i've been to DC a few times (the DC zoo is one of my favorite places in the whole world). If i lived out west there would be nothing memorable about MW2.

    Fwiw, i do hold the flawed story against it. How can i be invested in a game that pretends one man can launch a missile just by strolling into a sub and asking kindly? Even games like Ratchet and Clank have stories that make sense (in context, of course), but MW2 was just too far for me to care about it.

    As far as Black Ops goes, the story is ok. I dont like the whole interrogation thing, i feel like the story could be told a bit better, though my opinion may change after i finish the campaign. Any game with nixie tubes automatically scores a few points from me ;)

    COD needs another MW. MW was a massive jump forward from COD3, and it did it all perfectly. W@W, MW2, and Black Ops all feel like a new map pack for MW instead of a whole new game.

    Oct 19, 10:44 AM
    Well my 1300 shares will become 2600 in less than an year.:D Apple will keep going up and up as long the economy does not tank.:)

    Showoff ;)

    You're basically bragging that you have $100K in Apple stock. Nice!!!! :D Your faith is being rewarded handsomely...

    Apr 21, 11:29 AM
    I like this.

    I'd prefer the vote buttons to be on the left, so they are more obvious, and maybe colours to go with the votes (i.e. green for Up red for Down).

    Nov 16, 03:10 PM
    It could entirely be the case that simply Apple is planning on buying more ATI video cards. This could be for use in iTV, or even dedicated graphics (please please please) in the lower end machines: MacBook/Mini.

    just a thought, but possible I s'pose.ATI/NVidia have ever so slightly better integrated solutions then Intel.

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