Monday, May 30, 2011

fancy lettering for tattoos

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  • geerlingguy
    Oct 3, 08:46 PM
    PowerBook G5s, of course!

    No, really... I don't think we should expect too much out of the ordinary. iTV, updated iPod(s), new revision of MacBook Pro (perhaps), and Leopard, iLife and iWork updates.

    The .Mac stuff is usually under-the-radar, but I suspect something new will come sometime before the keynote.

    [Edit: I can't spell 'Leopard' - so shoot me.]

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  • fancy lettering for tattoos.

  • toolioiep
    Apr 10, 02:08 PM
    Samsung PN50C8000 x3.

    Continuing to build my ultimate theater room - just need to paint the in wall speakers that were installed.

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  • lettering tattoos designs.

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Apr 25, 12:27 PM
    With this supposed delay, Apple better have more than that ready... I want to have something worth bragging about to avenge myself after holding onto my 3GS while everyone else got the 4. The wireless credit card thing, coupled with 4G and a bigger screen, and a new iOS with improved notifications would do it for me... Less and I'll be a little disappointed, to say the least. Oh, throw in a wireless charger, that'd be really cool (and make external battery packs more feasible... imagine having a charging pocket on your pants... Whenever your iPhone is it your pocket it automatically charges... Or whenever it's in your purse for the ladies... That'd be pretty sweet...)

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  • Movie Tattoos?

  • kainjow
    Apr 22, 10:22 AM
    I was initially opposed to having only an up-vote button, but it might not be a bad idea. Say a single "+1" button, and only display the count if it's >= 1. Might be worth trying.

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  • fancy lettering for tattoos.

  • infidel69
    Apr 11, 12:22 PM
    It'll be really cool if they release a free beta for a year or so like they did with W7. The W7 beta was very stable and knocked off a nice chunk of money from a new build (for a while anyway)

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  • bowens
    Sep 12, 08:45 AM
    Ergh, that page has been like that for about 2 years or more. So has

    Nothing to see, move along.

    I hate threads like this, just constantly answering the same questions over and over because people won't read the thread.

    Same with

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  • fancy lettering fonts. tattoo

  • bousozoku
    Jan 12, 06:25 PM
    He may be arrogant, but he deserves it. He's turned Apple from near bankruptcy to some of it's highest profits ever in just 10 years.

    If anything, he SHOULD be arrogant.

    He didn't do it by himself. There was a whole company working on things. The difference is that he had a vision of what should be happening.

    It took smart people in all areas to make Apple what it is today.

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  • KnightWRX
    Mar 25, 06:43 AM
    Is Finder an App per se or integral to the OS?

    Depends what you call an OS. In micro-computer parlance Finder is very much a File Manager, same as Nautilus, Dolphin, Norton Commander (or the Midnight Commander clone), ROX-Filer, Windows Explorer, DOSShell etc just to name a few.

    It does very little to "operate" the system. It simply provides a user with a UI to manipulate the files found on a filesystem. Of course, an OS doesn't even need a filesystem per say as not all OSes use the file metaphor for storage.

    The OS part of the any modern OS is all contained in the kernel, which can usually operate the system without any kind of assistance from userspace. Finder is a userspace app. You could replace it with any other File Manager and still achieve the same basic functionality.

    I think your pedantry wasn't as big as mine (how's your Schwartz ?)

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  • LEStudios
    Oct 6, 10:14 PM
    Wait, you mean that grass on the other side isn't actually greener it's just painted green?!?!?! ;)

    Welcome to the real world! :D

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  • madmax_2069
    Apr 5, 04:03 AM
    did you see anything that recommended in the last page. you need to tell the police to get ahold of MS to tell them that is was infact stollen . cause you wont get anything from them yourself. you have the log's and you have the hardware ID number. and your account that is being used by the thieve. they need to contact MS to get this resolved. cause MS just wont tell you alone i think you can understand why not.

    you have all the paperwork for it which has the ID number for it so MS knows what system to look for. you just need to get the police involved with contacting MS.

    putting this on Digg was a wrong move cause you cant do anything with those trollers. just ignore people you know what happened

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  • different lettering styles for

  • andys53
    Mar 28, 04:14 PM
    Just give Apple & Stevie boy an award for the most tech headlines. Assure him ego boosting daily publicity to fill the insatiable need for attention, just like any 2 year old kid :)

    But what a 2 year old kid. To be able to take Apple to be the 2nd. largest company in the world in just a few short years!

    For my part as a consumer I like the App. store, if later that changes, I think public pressure will force Apple to reverse some of it's practises or watch trade dry up. :cool:

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  • fancy lettering for tattoos.

  • clevin
    Jan 12, 07:07 PM
    ok, now, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, who is lesser evil?
    trust me, they are both evil, businesslike.
    At least Bill have the biggest charity foundation.

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  • Fancy Old English letters

  • AmbitiousLemon
    Nov 16, 01:48 PM
    I don't know where this assertion that AMD are rubbish comes from.

    Agreed. AMD has traditionally been significantly faster and cheaper than Intel. Further more it is only AMD's huge performance lead that woke Intel up enough to drop the mhz myth, accept multi-core as the future, and start making decent processors again.

    It just so happens that we are at a very unusual point in time where AMD currently has neither a performance nor price advantage over Intel, but these things can change very fast (as the past few months have shown).

    All that said, the facts that this rumor is based upon do in no way lead to the conclusion that Apple is considering using AMD processors, and further it probably wouldn't work well into Apple's current product line-up and marketing strategy to switch to AMD at this time.

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  • xAnthony
    Mar 19, 03:34 AM
    So again, it's a freaking phone... It's not a status symbol.

    True.. But studies have shown that iPhone owners have more intercourse (decided to use the proper term) than Android phone owners. So I could see it resembling a status symbol.

    fancy lettering for tattoos. Fancy Lettering For Tattoo
  • Fancy Lettering For Tattoo

  • Buschmaster
    Oct 3, 05:07 PM
    Steve Jobs.... retiring?:eek:

    I would honestly cry. And that makes me sound pathetic.

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  • In a lettering fonts your own

  • ct2k7
    Apr 24, 12:53 PM
    I am looking forward to installing Windows 8 on my MBA via Parallels. From what I'm seeing, it's looking good, very good!

    Here's a few pictures of the Windows App Store.

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  • fancy lettering for tattoos.

  • zioxide
    Jan 10, 05:04 PM
    lol, shutting off dish network's wall of monitors was funny, but ****ing with the presentations was immature and stupid.

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  • fun173
    Apr 21, 11:50 AM
    I dont like this. Now im going to be too paranoid about how people rate my posts :p

    In reality I don't care. It really does not affect my MR experience and i am neutral to it.

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  • fancy lettering for tattoos.

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 4, 09:37 PM
    Huh. They must've gone to the bullpen -- we're starting to see some relief bitching.

    Somebody has already tried that FDR quote. And I replied:

    Our labor unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provides supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor. But their work goes beyond their own job, and even beyond our borders. For the labor movement is people. Our unions have brought millions of men and women together ... and given them common tools for common goals. -- John F. KennedyAnyone else on the board, please feel free to borrow that quote whenever somebody invokes FDR.

    Now: corporate contributions are legal money laundering operations. If you follow the money, I pay for goods which go into company funds which are used to contribute to buy Republican candidates who are dedicated to passing corporate-friendly laws that make my air dirtier and my food unhealthier, and that lower my standard of living until they finally ship my job to another country. Nice racket they have going. Has anybody ever noticed that the well never dries of money to buy off our government? I just love watching them cry about regulation; very classy.

    The Wisconsin senators, on the other hand, are spoiled know, just like Abe Lincoln ( ;)

    Nov 24, 08:43 AM
    For the past two black Fridays, I have updated my .mac account. This year will be no acception. $68 is certainly better than $99.

    99.00 per year divided by 12 Months = $8.25 per month. $68 per year divided by 12 Months = $5.66. A much better deal.


    Sep 25, 04:25 PM
    I don't see any changes. Even in beta, they supported 1.25 GHz PowerBooks and up. How well they support them is always the question.

    I guess I mean support without any hacks necessary.

    Oct 3, 07:49 AM
    You'd expect Jobs would have some sympathy for the guy, what with his phreaking days before Apple.

    Yeah, right.

    When Real Networks did something similar, they were accused by Apple of "using the same tactics of a hacker", and that wasn't intended as a complement. When I read that, my first thought was "Where is Woz when you need him?"

    Jul 30, 10:53 AM
    That's the great thing about a platform like the Volt, or anything like it: you can easily change whatever gives the electricity. Gas not working right? The American public finally getting their asses out of their collective heads about diesel? Just get one the right size, and hook it up to the generator. It works for trains. Small fusion reactors finally a possibility? Bingo!

    If GM hadn't ****ed up when they tried bringing diesel cars to the market, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad. We still have some old M-B diesels kicking around, and probably a good bunch of them run on SVO by now.

    Subaru still sells FWD cars, just not in the US or Europe.

    Why did you burst my bubble of Subarus awesomeness? :(

    Don't forget the dealership markup. Some of the automotive blogs have people complaining that the dealerships are adding a $10k markup to the already expensive vehicle.

    Apr 29, 04:34 PM
    System Preferences sorted alphabetically has been around for awhile now. If I recall correctly, I think I even remember it in Tiger. Not sure about anything before that.

    They are currently sorted into the four categories first, and then alphabetically in those categories. It seems Lion is throwing everything together and doing away with categories

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