Tuesday, May 31, 2011

bio mech tattoo

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  • io mech tattoo. arm before io mech tattoo 2; arm before io mech tattoo 2. chrisgeleven. Jan 5, 03:23 PM

  • quigleybc
    Oct 3, 03:36 PM
    That unit will be the center of a human's universe, Steve's dream of his lifetime. Phone/broadband, iPod, PDA, remote, OSX lite, everything except wiping your butt.

    Ok then I don't want it, no butt wipe no buy buy. :p

    bio mech tattoo. I#39;m getting a sort of io-mech
  • I#39;m getting a sort of io-mech

  • mahonmeister
    Oct 19, 02:45 PM
    How does one go about buying stock? Never done it before, except in Economics class and I lost a bunch of fake stock. :p

    I was thinking of buying a couple hundred bucks worth. Any advice? I just want to get my feet wet here and have some fun watching it go.

    bio mech tattoo. Biomech tattoo
  • Biomech tattoo

  • Macky-Mac
    May 4, 03:46 PM
    No, we've had similar discussions before regarding a physician's willingness to treat someone due to their own personal religious beliefs, etc. and their response was quite different... the vast majority in that case believed that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT should not allow doctors to ask such questions or refuse to perform procedures they found philosophically reprehensible such as abortions... as if each physician in the country is some sort of robot working at the service of the government no longer allowed to think or reason on their own. But, now that it's about guns, they take a different approach. It's a very distinct hypocrisy.

    nope; you've simply mixed up the issues and the responses

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  • Bio-mech Faces

  • ChazUK
    May 3, 02:57 PM
    Absolute BS.

    Amazon Market may be the answer as I doubt they'd feel the need to buckle to carriers. Good thing that no one is taking my portable hotspot feature from my Nexus. :D

    Edit: To clarify, the "BS" from my opinion comes from carriers ability to restrict applications on a third party Market (Android Market).

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  • simply Bio-Mech tattoos.

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Jul 21, 09:19 AM
    Oh my god...

    did Apple seriously just make pointing fingers apart of their campaign?

    I thought they were above that!

    I understand that it's unfair that the other companies do that and all, but Apple really doesn't need to stoop to their level, do they?

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  • an awesome iomech tattoo.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 21, 11:20 PM
    The biggest problem with Windows is Microsoft doesn't design Windows for consumers. The biggest chunk of their cash-cow comes from the enterprise. And the Windows desktop platform reflects that.

    That didn't change with Windows 7. What's sad is they have a lot of innovative consumer-focused product teams (Media Center, Zune, XBOX, Live, Bing, Auto Collage, Windows Home Server, etc) that don't work together and don't have enough clout to make their projects prominent. They should let those guys develop the next consumer version of Windows instead of just throwing their different projects into Windows sporadically or in most cases optionally.

    Take the Windows Live components:

    Windows Live Family Safety - Should be integrated into 7's Parental Controls
    Windows Live Mail, Mesh (Backup), Messenger, Movie Maker, Photo Gallery - Should be included on the default "home" version of 7
    Windows Live Writer - Should be included as an optional install


    Then you have the optional Zune jukebox, which should be the default media player in 7 instead of Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player in 7 has a really neat "remote media" feature (think Back to My Mac meets your iTunes library), but no one knows about it or how to use it. And it's not present in the optional Zune jukebox software and isn't compatible with Windows Phones or Zune devices (obvious oversight there).



    Then there's Media Center, which really should be updated to use the newer Metro UI and adopted to be the front-end media experience on both the XBOX 360 (and I'm not talking RDP-like Media Center Extender functionality), PC (for DVD/Blu-ray playback, etc) and possibly tablet UI.


    There's Microsoft Research's Auto Collage, which should be included as a plug-in for Windows Live Gallery instead of a $20 separate program that no one knows about.


    The "Drive Extender" technology that Microsoft recently pulled from Windows Home Server should have been how future versions of Windows handle hard drives (no more drive letters).


    Why Bing photos/themes aren't prominent in Windows 7 or the default wallpaper in 7 I'll never know.


    Don't get me started on the lack of Security Essentials being pre-installed as part of the default "home" version of Windows.


    The list is endless. It's like someone is asleep at the top. And the rest of Microsoft takes the attitude of "We make that? OK. Well, let's just throw it up on the Web site."

    Yes indeed. We all know it's an unfocused mess. Preaching to the choir.

    However, it's good to remind everyone of that now and then. I hate it when MS fans get their hopes up for nothing. Like with the Zune, etc. And pretty much everything else they've half-assed outside of videogames and boxes to play them on.

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  • PROZAK - Men#39;s Biomech tattoo

  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 18, 05:47 PM
    It has been said here already, but Apple is smart to back both. I have a feeliing that HD DVD is going to win out in the end. Sure Sony is going to Blu Ray everyone, but not many people over 30 are going to get a PS3...

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  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:37 PM
    So then you only consider the BSD license to be free?

    in a sense he's right. with a bsd license, you can really do whatever you want. you can modify the code to your hearts content and release or not release the code. perhaps there's an advertising clause, depending on the bsd license. and that's about it. however, with gpl, if you release the binary, you must release the code upon request.

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  • Josh Hibbard#39;s Tattoo Gallery

  • sartinsauce
    Oct 3, 12:40 PM
    Holy crap! I can't believe it's time for another MWSF SteveNote! It seems like the last one just happened.

    So do you think we'll have until then for anything new? Before the last iPod announcement, everyone seemed to think Apple had something else up their sleeve for the holiday shopping season. Now everyone's clammed up.

    It's been a big year for new products from Apple. Do you think they're done for this calendar year?

    bio mech tattoo. This is a custom Bio-Mech
  • This is a custom Bio-Mech

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 08:49 PM
    You can point out an error and give solution

    The goal of the forum is not to give out solutions, sorry. If that is what you are looking for, you're looking for it in the wrong places. We're here to help you figure out how to find the solution yourself (either by pointing out appropriate documentation or by giving hints).

    or you can tell that person to quit what he's doing because he has no idea. It's a lot easier to say, go read Apples documentation than to point out an error and explain it yourself.

    No one told you to quit and pointing out the documentation often times is better than someone trying to explain it. The documentation will be correct, and why type out an explanation to something Apple already documentation (ie, explained) in the proper terms ?

    Now if there's something in the documentation you need help clarifying, please feel free to ask questions about the documentation.

    bio mech tattoo. Bio-Mechanical tattoos
  • Bio-Mechanical tattoos

  • Scott6666
    Apr 8, 02:45 PM
    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

    If they wanted to hold stock, they could keep them in the warehouse until their special promo. It's weird shipping them to the store and telling them to hold.

    bio mech tattoo. io mech tattoo. Bio Mechanical; Bio Mechanical. tvachon. Jan 9, 01:52 PM. Ahh, almost worse with the Gates keynoteha.
  • io mech tattoo. Bio Mechanical; Bio Mechanical. tvachon. Jan 9, 01:52 PM. Ahh, almost worse with the Gates keynoteha.

  • MOFS
    Mar 10, 02:11 AM
    The Click Wheel interface was/is an abomination and exactly the opposite of a "good" interface. It's a horrible mess. The only usable iPod is the iPod Touch.

    I disagree. The click wheel made it easier to use, as it was intuitive (scrolling clockwise down, anticlockwise up), and was also easily used inside a pocket [find the clickwheel and you're go]. The clickwheel has been hailed as a masterstroke for Apple; getting rid of the plethora of buttons on MP3 players and replacing it with a sleek interface. I find it the most annoying part of using my iPhone is that I have to look at the screen to use the controls.

    bio mech tattoo. Bio Mech Tattoo.
  • Bio Mech Tattoo.

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 6, 07:18 PM
    Apple makes what?

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  • Biomech Tattoo Pics

  • twoodcc
    Apr 11, 12:44 AM
    I know!! Last year they had the Mac Pro out before the cpu's were even announced by Intel!

    yeah i know! i don't know what's going on these days. apple is only concerned with iphone and ipad, but developers gotta have systems to build the apps with!

    and not just that, apple has a market for mac pros. but it will only continue to get smaller if they ignore it

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  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 10:43 PM
    Ironic that a western country with one of the highest levels of unionization, including public sector unions, and all the evil evil socialized stuff such as pensions, healthcare etc. has the highest growth rate, best unemployment rate and most balanced budget. Germany.
    Kinda defeats your argument, fivepoint. Also, considering the level of unionization, Germany has in percentage points double the industrial production jobs that the US does. And all these companies are world leaders in their segments.
    Americans are diluded if they think ultracon vulture capitalism will save them, it is exactly what got them into this mess to begin with.


    What you are talking about is tested true economics where a healthy and well paid workforce lends to a stronger economy. With the large number of workers with income to burn, then the economy circulates monies and has a built in consumer base.

    But take fivepoint's theory, which for a lack of better name, is laissez-faire economics and trickle down theory. On its face it makes sense to put the money into the hands of the educated and rich, and they will re-invest it back into society creating the most bang for the buck and the fastest pace of innovation possible. However, with human nature being that people (even rich people) want to hoard, then what we end up with is a stagnate economy with no turnover. Eight years of George W. Bush and his policies show this to be pretty obvious. Anybody who believes in the old trickle down theory is falling into the trap that it can work.

    I don't think government intervention, to the point of government micromanagement is a good thing, but I don't think the liberals are out to make that their goal. We need to strike a balance where business can operate and make a profit, but at the same time have a government, though limited, who can play more like a referee looking out for the best interests of the people. And it's the people who have the responsibility to vote if they don't like the government that is in place.

    America put in a lot of wet behind the ears tea party republicans, and this two year period is their time to shine while in the House. So far, they appear to be falling on their face. But I will give the GOP a chance and see if they can deliver on their promises and I will be willing to give them credit if they make headway yet fall short. We are in a tough economy.

    But the last thing we need to do in this recession is to blow the horn of trickle down economics knowing it didn't work with 8 years of the GOP recently in the White House, and with a 12 year run mostly in the 1980s which hiked up the deficit and failed miserably in its chief election promise of reducing the national deficit and sustain a long term growth of the economy. Jimmy Carter's spending was the GOP's main talking point and when the GOP made Jimmy look like a miser, then they had to fall on diversion tactics like abortion, family values, and religion when they realized their #1 talking point was a failure in practice.

    With so much confusion as to whether a republican is represented by a pro-business/big corporation plank or more of a small-government plank akin to some tea party politicians, I don't care what the House calls themselves as long as they get results. It's early yet but the GOP has started off this year in the world possible way.

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  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 06:58 AM
    You get trials. Not actual copies, unless you pay for the license.

    There is a big difference there.

    For the anti-virus, yes, for office no you get the complete version, as well as MS live.

    Depending on where you buy, you actually can get more "full" versions of applications then you do with a mac. I'm not knocking apple or iLife, they're great apps, but you cannot say that a new PC is unusable until you download a lot of apps and such. Dell, HP, etc all come with office and/or other apps. Yeah there's crapware installed and I won't dispute that, but you also get full version apps

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  • BenRoethig
    Oct 2, 03:39 PM
    "Unnamed company"

    We all know who that is....Real.

    Or microsoft

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  • rerelease
    Apr 25, 02:57 PM
    I actually really dislike the borderless look. I hope they don't do this. A larger screen is one thing I really don't need. If I want a big screen, I'll get an iPad.

    Same here. It's completely unwarranted, there's virtually no space to be gained and it looks aesthetically weaker compared to the iPhone 4.

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  • Glowing Bio-Mech Tattoo

  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 01:03 AM
    The fact that you feel good about yourself after doing this, to the point where you come on here to gloat, speaks volumes about your character.

    Pretty grotesque.

    Oct 6, 06:32 PM
    I think the biggest problem is when Apple had the chance to change the game by not doing subizided cost they instead give in and just make it worse by forcing a much larger than average subsudize on there phone ($400 vs $250).

    Unlock phones puts the network and the phone separete.
    I'm not sure why you think Apple's original iPhone sales model was changing the game.

    The customer paid the full price of the iPhone, the iPhone was still locked to a specific carrier, and the carrier agreed to pay Apple monthly for every iPhone customer they had.

    On top of that, AT&T created a special, cheaper data plan to lure customers in, as the full-priced phone was very off-putting to some.

    Sounds like the original iPhone ended up costing AT&T more than the subsidy on the iPhone 3G/3GS did.

    And why did Apple change its original sales model? Because they weren't selling nearly as fast as Apple had hoped.

    I agree with you that being able to buy any phone and have it work on any network would be awesome. Logistically, I just don't ever see it happening.

    Apr 15, 05:12 PM
    wow the iOS/Apple closed ecosystem must really be the WORSE THANG EVAR if google is trying to trying to do it.

    Everyone's just a hypocrite..

    Oct 17, 04:20 PM
    The porn industry did choose blu-ray because of capactiy and because they believe the PS3 will be a huge factor in the winning format.

    GO HERE! (http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/05/02/pornhd/index.php?lsrc=mwrss)

    Apr 30, 08:59 AM
    Windows 8 = version 8 :D When it comes out, 2015?

    more like late 2012. milestone 2 already leaked

    Apr 12, 09:10 AM
    Agreed. I feel like Wordpad, with the ability to open .doc and .docx files, would suffice.

    And have Graphpad, a basic spreadsheet app, with the ability to open .xls and .xlsx for excel. :)

    For my work I need word and office, so replacements are not feasible. We use custom plug-ins that obviously will only work in an office app and nothing else.

    I'm a little behind the curve as I'm running MS office 2007 on my windows partition and I've had little need to upgrade to 2010. That's why I'm a little out of the loop regarding ads in office.

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