Monday, May 30, 2011

justin bieber pictures 2011 march

justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber pictures 2011
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  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 12, 12:48 PM
    a gift from my fiance. Not quite a personal purchase. I have a little obsession with cupcakes. (

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber pics 2011 march.
  • justin bieber pics 2011 march.

  • AidenShaw
    Oct 4, 02:25 PM
    Squarely wrong. Even "The Inquirer" has talked about the vastly superior multitasking AND SMP features of OS X Leopard, as compared to what Vista seems to offer. Damn, even today any version of Windows crawls far behind OS X in that.
    If you say so. I guess the people running databases on 64-processor Windows systems ('d%3dN) haven't read The Inquirer.

    Second: the fact that IDF didn't have any "octo" machines derives from the simple and obvious assessment that Apple does NOT have any "octo" machines. Anything else would be just illegal.
    HP, Dell, IBM and the rest were running octos - their dual-socket workstations and servers were fitted with Clovertown samples provided by Intel. I didn't know that there was a law against that. :rolleyes:'s an easy fallacy to assert that the non-existence of machines "running OS X" in quad configurations at a certain event means a lack of capacity by OS X to do so.
    Sorry for the confusion - my point was that Intel was demonstrating the power of the octos by demoing with Windows as the OS.

    One demo even had a Windows quad (dual-dual) system which was upgraded onstage to an octo (dual-quad) system - the benchmark was re-run with the 8 processors on the octo to show the improvement.

    If Windows SMP and multi-tasking is as bad as you and The Inquirer say, I would have expected Intel to use Linux....

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march 1.
  • justin bieber 2011 march 1.

  • vincenz
    Apr 15, 05:23 PM
    Ah, an English major. Kudos.

    How'd you guess?! Is it that obvious?

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march
  • justin bieber 2011 march

  • fastbite
    Jan 12, 02:19 PM
    Giz are just a bunch of prats. They want to play like a punk outfit fine, make music then and forget reporting tech stuff. grow up and buy a shaver.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber pics 2011 march.
  • justin bieber pics 2011 march.

  • calculus
    Jan 12, 02:42 AM
    i was hoping for something revolutionary.

    Overthrow of the government?

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march 1.
  • justin bieber 2011 march 1.

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    Think they will close the store this morning to update the laptop line??? or will they do it when they close the store during the live session?

    Don't get your hopes up. This is an iTMS update/iPod update.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march 1.
  • justin bieber 2011 march 1.

  • gekko513
    Nov 16, 04:40 PM
    If AMD has cheaper chips than Intel that also fully support Rosetta and all that (SSE3), then I may see it happening.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march.
  • justin bieber 2011 march.

  • LagunaSol
    May 3, 11:56 PM
    Android commercials need more rectal probing.

    Google does all the rectal probing to Android users. ;)

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march.
  • justin bieber 2011 march.

  • lewis82
    Apr 12, 08:22 PM

    Great album from Devin Townsend :)

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march
  • justin bieber 2011 march

  • Doctor Q
    May 3, 01:55 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?
    Two answers come to mind:

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:34 AM
    Ooh....nice find, the movies shown there are terrible though :-)


    Those are Movie Trailers for the iPod.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • samcraig
    May 2, 11:55 AM
    The only way to remove the cache after 4.3.3 will be to disable location services. They wont have poor location service performance, they will have none. :rolleyes:

    On or off - like the switch says. Makes sense and is logical.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • jamieg
    Sep 12, 04:42 AM
    He did it last year. The 5G event was streamed to Europe and you still can't get TV shows. Neither can we but it wasn't streamed here.

    But we did get 5G iPods and music video's, I'm sure we will get TV shows eventualy. There are a few more legal issues with selling TV shows in other countries than there would be with movies.


    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • Shotgun OS
    Mar 17, 01:55 AM
    This has to be trolling.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • Eidorian
    Mar 24, 11:47 PM
    Couldn't that be said of your original post???

    How much thought and research went into "Downhill since Tiger."?

    At least an elaboration on a point or two why you think that might have ward off the other poster's comment. Not arguing against your opinion. Everyone has one. But your lack of specificity certainly opened you up... Just say'n. :cool:
    /It is a rather long quagmire of posts. Frankly, I see little value in back quoting myself. If you really want to have fun the Snow Leopard launch is solid gold with Spotlight database problems, endless Safari crashes, and the still persistant GMA X3100 oddities. Even after I have had everything short of the display replaced...

    You get old and jaded. It is even more tiresome when every one hit wonder decides that Steve and me are always right. Hit the independent thought alarm. Hunt for the astroturfer. You are either with us or against us...

    I am using OS X just like many others here. It does not mean that I love every minute of it or feel the need to be a sycophant for any corporation.

    Everyone loses when you use car analogies.

    No, I'd say Snow Leopard is about 80% better than Tiger and 20% worse. I mostly skipped over Leopard, and went from 10.4 on a G5 to 10.6 on a Mac Pro. There are quite a number of improvements all over the place that show it's clearly the result of taking a look at earlier versions and saying "wouldn't it be better if...", and then acting on it. There are a few steps backwards though, the biggest one for me being the incomprehensible mutilating of Expos�. Fortunately there's a nice hack which restores the correct behavior (and makes the dock look better), but it's a little annoying to have to re-apply that after every update.

    --EricExpos�, Spotlight, and Finder have taken the most hits since Tiger. Though it is nice to be able to scroll in windows that are not in focus or to be able to support certain applications from lazy developers.

    Otherwise I would rather have the older and much more productive behaviors for non-linear interfacing and searching. I should not be required to make work arounds or simply give up on trying to replicate Tiger.

    I have given up on Spotlight ever working like it once did and I do not want to replicate the hours rebuilding all my metadata. I have just regarded it as something that is no longer of value to me. My MacBook is sadly not much more than a glorified address book and music server for the foreseeable future. It really kills the motivation to replace it and an annoyance to maintain a OS X based machine in my inventory once it is no longer useable.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber haircut 2011
  • justin bieber haircut 2011

  • macman2790
    Oct 3, 01:37 PM
    This is my prediction as well. We'll see!
    i've been pessimistic about the mbp update for a while now considering how long it would take for santa rosa if they released a new one now.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber new hair 2011
  • justin bieber new hair 2011

  • nebulos
    May 3, 10:41 PM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber 2011 march.
  • justin bieber 2011 march.

  • woody888
    Mar 17, 05:42 PM
    true story, I walked into Apple store today. I saw a nice iPad on the display. I like it a lot, but I really just do not have the money to pay for it. I "rigged" it out of the anti-theft device and nobody was looking at me. everybody seemed busy doing their own thing. I then proceeded to take the iPad to the front of the store. I had the iPad in my jacket. And no alarm sounded! wow, I had just walked off with a new iPad. well, it is a display model, but hey, it is free. $230 for an iPad? I think I got the better deal than you......

    OP, you obviously knew you did the wrong thing, because all along you knew about it. as soon as you walked out of Best Buy, you knew what is going on, so why not do the right thing? just a suggestion. it's not like any of us that have the most morale, but it just seem like a right thing to do. why make the cashier take the fall? sure, they may be stoned according to you, but it sounds to me that you are taking advantage of others on purpose. ok, my lame morale speech is over. I'm going to go into AT&T store now and see if I can take some display U-Verse boxes home. my jacket have plenty of pockets!

    justin bieber pictures 2011 march. justin bieber pics 2011 march.
  • justin bieber pics 2011 march.

  • wmmk
    Aug 13, 10:59 PM
    The 20" is still way over-priced.
    yeah, but it has an apple logo and is made of brushed metal. if you don't like to pay for design, run unix on a homebuilt PC in a square plastic case.

    Apr 5, 04:23 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Not really. You know this app is more for people interested in creating iAds right? This way they can see what is possible to be done and create their own. Think of it like when you go to the paint store and they have swatches for you to look at. Its kind of the same thing.

    Aug 10, 01:17 PM
    Any one that proposes using diesel or gas because of the impact it "might" have on our national grid (which by the way depends on where you live, i.e. Nuclear power plants for California, renewable hydro-electric for Las Vegas, etc...) pales in comparison to incidents like... oh say... the GULF OIL SPILL!!! What did that cost so far? Tens of billions. Not to mention the amount of lives it has ruined! Wonder how many electric cars could have been made and powered over the course of a year on that bill?

    Internal combustion engines should have died off over 50 years ago.

    Anonymous Freak
    Oct 10, 07:04 PM
    I'm sorry, but with the release of the "true video" iPod "imminent" for months now, I'm just not going to pay any attention whatsoever until I have one in my hands.

    Just like the iPhone, PowerBook G5 (and more recently, Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro, although that release hasn't been "imminent" often enough yet,) etc.

    I'm starting to doubt page 1 rumors just as much as I doubt Page 2 rumors. Unless you (MacRumors, not the 'source' website of the rumor,) have credible, reliable, direct sources, it belongs on Page 2. If you don't have direct sources, (as rumors on other websites would be,) it does not belong on page 1. By your own standards.

    Just because it's getting a lot of talk, and Engadget claims their sources are good, is no reason to upgrade it to page 1 status. (Heck, the iWalk got a lot of talk back in the day, and SpyMac claimed their sources were good. That didn't make it true.)

    Jul 21, 01:25 PM
    But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.

    They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.

    It's a problem.
    It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.

    The debate here is not whether there's a problem, but why Apple is obfuscating, rather than fixing it, pretending that bridging the gap of their electrically exposed antenna is equivalent to attenuating an antenna by completely covering it with one's meaty hand.
    (seems like moving this gap to the bottom edge of the phone where it's far less likely to be touched, would be an easy fix).

    Couple of things:

    1) What isn't factored into your calculations is that because of its more-sensitive antenna, the iP4 was able to make calls, in marginal signal areas, where the 3GS showed no signal and was not able to attempt or receive a call... dropping any of these "never-before-possible" calls would reflect poorly on the iP4, and be included in the "< 1 call per hundred" more dropped calls by the iP4.

    2) <1 per 100 more dropped calls by the iP4 than the 3GS. "< 1" can mean anything from, say, .0000000001 to .9999999999. Without knowing the real delta fraction it is difficult to base calculations on it.

    3) The 3GS came into being with a plethora of available cases-- the iP4 with 1 case, that was in so short supply as to be non-available. Apple stated that 80% of the 3GSs left their store with a case. So, many 3Gs had 2 layers of antenna shielding, the 3GS plastic housing and an external case. The bulk of iP4s had neither-- 0 levels of antenna shielding.

    All of this has been widely reported (or obvious) to those who care to objectively examine the facts. So it is a bit disingenuous to make your assertions, without qualification.


    Mar 24, 10:11 PM
    Huzzah! I remember using an Apple IIe. It's come a long way, and I've loved every second that I've been a part of it (except things did get a liiiittttlee sketchy around the "grey box" era).

    My dad was still using his ][e when I brought my iMac G4 (10.2.8) and moved to OS X from OS 9 which was on the G3 beige desktop that was handed down to him. I installed OS X on that machine for him. So he jumped from ProDOS to OS X. Bit of a leap.

    Have to say moving OS 9 to X was a pain but nothing compared to ProDOS to OS X. Lucky that the 3 1/4 floppy drive could still read the ProDOS formatted disks.

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