Tuesday, May 31, 2011

love you so much pictures

love you so much pictures. Kaka I Love You So Much!
  • Kaka I Love You So Much!

  • AlBDamned
    Nov 10, 07:39 PM
    FFA was the only multiplayer mode worth playing in MW2. The rest sucked. Honestly Infinity Ward lost the plot after CoD 2 since then they have been well below par.

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree... The objective games in MW2 are great IMHO. Black Ops looks and feels ***** in comparison.

    love you so much pictures. love you so much pictures.
  • love you so much pictures.

  • zephxiii
    Dec 13, 12:32 PM
    lol there is no LTE in the next iPhone.

    love you so much pictures. Love You So Much Pictures
  • Love You So Much Pictures

  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 10:25 AM
    MacRumours also known as the moral police! lmao Cracks me up especially after all the post I have read in the past about people receiving extra computers in the mail by accident from apple!!! And if I was a troll and made this whole thing up completely, I have succeeded for sure, for laughing at all of the post in this stupid thread it has ruffled some nerves of the people at home wishing they had an Ipad, insted of posting from their Acer Netbook. This place is a joke

    love you so much pictures. stock vector : I love you so
  • stock vector : I love you so

  • Abstract
    Apr 7, 05:28 AM
    Nice Volvo! Love the look of their wagons.

    love you so much pictures. i love you so much baby
  • i love you so much baby

  • Pared
    Apr 25, 02:02 PM
    That's an awful idea. Posts will get downrated because someone disagrees with a perfectly valid opinion? I've already seen posts downrated because someone said they prefer Android over Apple or had a good thing to say about Microsoft. Hell, I'd probably get downrated just for my avatar.

    As long as people are going to act like little children, using these ratings to hide posts is a horrible idea.

    Then if that is the worry, you should remove the negative aspect and disallow anyone from "potentially acting like children."

    love you so much pictures. i love you so much pictures.
  • i love you so much pictures.

  • NT1440
    Mar 3, 08:09 PM
    Wow. This is the boldest the GOP has been in a while. Not even trying to hide the fact that they're just trying to do away with union rights and the right to organize.:mad:

    Fines for strikes? Is there a link to the actual text of this bill anywhere?

    love you so much pictures. i Love You So Much
  • i Love You So Much

  • koobcamuk
    Apr 5, 06:43 PM
    I've often wondered about all of the great ads that I might be missing. ...I'll be downloading this. Thanks, Apple!



    Exactly what I thought. Some people are just plan weird.

    love you so much pictures. love you so much wallpaper.
  • love you so much wallpaper.

  • asxtb
    Sep 12, 07:40 AM
    In reality the whole 'Showtime' theme is really just to introduce a new movie staring Steve. :eek:

    love you so much pictures. i love you so much baby. i
  • i love you so much baby. i

  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 24, 05:30 AM
    can you combine w/ educational discount or no?

    love you so much pictures. why i love you so much poems
  • why i love you so much poems

  • wigga69uk
    Sep 12, 08:29 AM

    bottom left of page

    love you so much pictures. funny pictures i love you so
  • funny pictures i love you so

  • marksman
    May 3, 03:35 PM
    Contract terms require "consideration" from both parties to be legally binding. Consideration is something you provide to the other party (i.e., money from you, data services from your carrier).

    What consideration are the carriers offering you for tethering? You're already paying $X for Y GB of data used on your phone. It doesn't matter to the carrier if your Netflix app is using it, or your tethering app is sending the data to your laptop. Nothing changes on their end, they just send the data that you've already paid for to your phone, and your phone handles the rest.

    You're right, it is black and white. It's a scam aimed at exploiting consumers like yourself who don't know any better, with an illegal contract term. I hope this goes to court soon, before the carriers in Canada (where I am) try to pull the same BS.

    They are offering you more bandwidth to use a higher bandwidth service like tethering.

    The consideration is very clear. Thanks for quoting the premise for contract law, but claiming there is no consideration there is ridiculous.

    People who tether use more bandwidth, so the cost associated with their usage is more expensive. The carriers can either charge those people for tethering or they can raise the price for EVERYONE.

    They choose to charge the people who tether. It is a perfectly reasonable choice on their part.

    Hey a cable line comes into my house with all the channels on it. I can just jimmy off a filter and get all the channels without paying any more. They are already delivering it to my house, why can't I just get all of them since they are there anyways and I am paying for cable right?

    You are not paying for tethering unless you are paying for tethering. The math is simple. People who tether use more bandwidth. Wireless providers set their data prices based on AVERAGE usage. Tethering makes the average usage go up, so the revenue to cover those costs has to come from somewhere.

    So they can either charge EVERYONE more or charge the people who tether more.. Again they choose the later.

    love you so much pictures. Love You So Much Pics.
  • Love You So Much Pics.

  • knightmare456
    Nov 6, 06:35 PM
    Getting it for PS3, I haven't pre ordered it but I'll probably get it at midnight from BlockBusters.

    I always preferred W@W to MW2 so I'm hoping it's gonna be more like that. If it's more like MW2 I'll probably be like this within a day.


    love you so much pictures. I Love You So Much Mojo!
  • I Love You So Much Mojo!

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:16 AM
    One possibility that came to mind is that the cashier guy let him get away with it because he intended to pocket the cash himself.

    And he would do that how?

    love you so much pictures. love you so much wallpaper.
  • love you so much wallpaper.

  • star-affinity
    Apr 29, 08:10 PM
    Just like switching between tabs using ctrl-tab in Safari and other web browsers I think it would be good to be able to switch between subpanes using the same keyboard shortcut.

    What do you think about that?

    love you so much pictures. love you so much.
  • love you so much.

  • darkpaw
    Jan 15, 03:30 PM
    Not overly excited about the keynote.

    I got a 17" MBP 2.6GHz back in December, and it's fine for Logic Pro 8 and Lightwave 3D on the move.

    I don't see how I would justify a $1799 thin laptop that's missing some necessary ports (FireWire 400/800, Ethernet (yes, I know there's a $29 adapter doodad)). Besides, how much will it cost in the UK? (The internet is being too slow to check...)

    As Steve Jobs said when he announced the iPhone in the UK, "It costs more to do business over here". Yes, which is why the $20 iPod touch apps update is �12.99 over here, instead of �10.20 which is what the exchange rate demands. Even with some made up tax, it's another example of "rip-off Britain".

    love you so much pictures. love you so much pictures. i
  • love you so much pictures. i

  • Reticent
    Mar 24, 05:10 PM
    Huzzah! I remember using an Apple IIe. It's come a long way, and I've loved every second that I've been a part of it (except things did get a liiiittttlee sketchy around the "grey box" era).

    love you so much pictures. love you so much quotes.
  • love you so much quotes.

  • MagicBoy
    Mar 25, 06:10 PM
    Did I miss something? I was talking about Eidorian. And I don't care if he's secretly Steve Jobs. A troll is a troll.

    Yeah, I thought the same. Was trying to work out how Schmye made such a mad link!

    He probably OD'd on Mountain Dew ;)

    love you so much pictures. Love You So Much Pics. i Love
  • Love You So Much Pics. i Love

  • joeboy_45101
    Nov 16, 10:35 PM
    Don't forget! It took Intel 6 years to really surpass AMD on performance. The current AMD Athlon is no slouch either. If it was a choice between the Athlon 64 or a Pentium 4, like it was a year ago, many here would be jumping for joy over a switch to AMD.

    The reality is ,though, that Apple seems pretty satisfied with Intel right now and I believe they made the right choice. If Apple does decide to use AMD processors then it would probably be for the iTV or the Mac Mini. These things won't be competing on raw power but on quality and price. An order I believe AMD can fill.

    love you so much pictures. i love you so much baby.
  • i love you so much baby.

  • zedsdead
    Jan 13, 06:45 AM
    (1) Update to iTunes to allow rentals and the new model Fox apparently has on their new DVD's...I am not expecting HD...I want it, but there have been no rumors at all about it...

    (2) Apple TV Update - Minor Stuff - Mobile iTunes Store, maybe a hard drive bump and possibly a DVD drive, no Blu-Ray.

    (3) iPhone Software Update - Possibly will show off the SDK that is getting launched in February. The 1.1.3 update will happen, but hopefully there will be a few more features like iChat, Games, and Video Recording. No change to hardware.

    (4) Macbook Air - 32gig SSD, No Optical Bay, Very thin, Very light, driven to be a companion notebook for a Consumer, not a replacement for the Powerbook 12" which was aimed at Pro's...Touchpad will be new and innovative.
    Chance that it may work as a Sync device through iTunes like an iPod with a Homescreen interface rather than a full blown version of Leopard...ie. you sync all files, programs, and content from your "main" computer.

    (5) "One More Thing" - The Macbook and Macbook Pro's will get the new Touchpad that is in the Macbook Air...

    That's about what I think the Keynote will progress through.

    iPhone 3g will not be ready until the Christmas Season. Same for iPods, no hardware updates at all to them. The SDK however should be out for the iPod Touch as well.

    Cinema Displays, Blu-Ray, and DVD Studio Pro 5 will be launched at NAB in April.

    iMac's will not see an update until Spring at the earliest, and again when the mobile quad-core's finally get released which should be late in the year.

    May 2, 11:36 AM
    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out.
    Apple has been open about collecting location data. However that does does not come from consolidated.db. The database that everyone is talking about is data sent FROM Apple TO your phone. Why would Apple collect the data that they sent to you?

    The issue is that if your phone is compromised by a third party, this DB could be used to infer information about your location (you location is not directly stored in the DB). The changes being made reduce this risk by shortening the cache and encrypting the data.

    Apr 27, 04:40 PM
    In a dreamland, sure, it works out great.

    Reality: Guy and a woman in adjacent stalls. Man drops his phone on the ground. Picks it up. woman assumes he is taking photos of her under the stall. Etc.

    What if there's a lesbian in the women's bathroom?

    May 4, 03:55 PM
    Exactly. Physicians can't be sitting there going through every single life hazard.

    "Do you walk across the street?"
    "You should look both ways."
    "No ****!"

    "Do you go to the mall?"
    "You should keep children under the age of 5 close at your side at all times."
    "No ****!"

    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    Apr 16, 08:44 AM
    First off, it's supposedly a picture of the next-gen phone, it's not going to have the same rocker as the current or previous model. My 3G doesn't have the same switch as the first-gen iPhone.
    Second, it's supposedly photos of the CASE, not the whole phone.

    And, as someone pointed out in the MacRumors thread with these pictures, there's no space for the camera flash, which the next-gen phone supposedly will have, as there are things pointing to it in the OS 4.0 Beta. They're most likely fakes. Not the best ones, but certainly not terrible either.

    What about if the Apple logo lights up white briefly to act as the inbuilt flash?

    Jan 12, 08:46 AM
    Steve wasn't smug. He's a good salesman.

    Plus, what you were seeing was his RDF...apparently you are impervious to it.

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