Tuesday, May 31, 2011

chris hemsworth workout for thor

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  • OllyW
    Mar 13, 08:18 AM
    Tablets replacing servers? No way, no thank you.

    Now that would be...

    a massive paradigm-shift


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  • Amazing Iceman
    May 4, 08:54 AM
    I guess people without children that do not fall under any of those careers can't like iPads :(

    He forgot to include grandparents and people who live alone to the list of people who like (or would like) the iPad.

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  • Chris Hemsworth Thor Workout

  • princealfie
    Nov 16, 02:35 PM
    Perhaps we can choose between AMD and Intel? more options on the table.

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  • Belly-laughs
    Oct 11, 05:39 AM

    I don't know about the specs or prices, but new and better iPods could kill Zune in it's first season, before m$ completes the lineup with more players and devices.

    It may kill the first iteration of the Zune, but MS has stated it�s a multiple years effort � they acknowledge it�s going to be hard to beat the iPod bastion, and if at all possible it will take time. But, I suspect Apple have plenty of different prototypes in their labs, ready to be launched to complement new market demands.

    chris hemsworth workout for thor. I didn#39;t know THOR carried
  • I didn#39;t know THOR carried

  • Stella
    Aug 1, 01:52 PM
    If that is the case, you guys must be *********g miserable.


    Believe or not, iTunes is *not*the secret of happiness - it does not make or break a country.


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  • thor chris hemsworth workout.

  • Dunepilot
    Oct 19, 10:46 AM
    Does anyone know their marketshare in terms of computers in use?

    It's not an exact science, but these days you can make a safe assumption that most computers are connected to the internet, so info such as the browser usage on a site like Google can give some indication of number of machines in use

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    Mar 17, 08:02 AM
    OP you should return the ipad and get a full cash refund, then you can really stick it to best buy!

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  • rtheb
    Apr 30, 01:32 PM
    I like the buttons as well and Apple knows that you still need to design for the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) purchasing the product.

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  • Feng Shui
    Sep 28, 10:21 PM
    omg Steve Jobs please build myHouse.

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  • DetroitDrillSGT
    Mar 17, 08:53 AM

    chris hemsworth workout for thor. chris hemsworth workout
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  • mrkgoo
    Jan 12, 04:21 PM
    C'mon...this is the CEO of Apple presenting at Macworld. He was hardly going to be subdued, not with a bunch of fanboys and shareholders present.

    Anyway, I saw most of the iPhone stuff as excitement rather than arrogance. It's a reason I believe the ApplTV was 'previewed' last year, so all focus could be on the iPhone. I think Steve was genuinely excited to present it to us.

    However, I do think that the pie charts explainingthe market share of Zune is a bit underhanded. If Microsft did the same thing with market share for OS, it'd be the same. 2% market share is pretty damned good for Zune, considering competition in the market - any other mp3 player would love to get that kind of market share. I'd prefer it if Apple focused more on selling theri own products in this regard, than downplaying others.

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  • chris hemsworth workout.

  • bigandy
    Jan 5, 07:59 PM
    I love the idea of a non-spoiling keynote-experience.


    As I can recall, just after the keynote is posted online, there seem to be that much people viewing it that it just becomes worthless to watch. Such as: image hickups, buffering-probs, vid/sound synchronization-probs...

    That is if you even can connect to the stream! Most of the times, the feed just wasn't accessible!

    Don't you guys have that problem over there in the States? Maybe it is because I'm in the EU? It really sucks, I guarantee..

    Last January's MWSF was so annoying - I couldn't pick up a reliable stream until about four days later... :(

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  • chris hemsworth thor workout.

  • koruki
    Mar 17, 07:16 PM
    But your story doesn't surprise especially if you can come from the UK. iPhone did slip out of the TOP 5 in sales last year. I believe the HTC Desire was the most popular one. One of my favorite reviewers from the UK is James Whatley. He reminds me of Brandon Flowers from The Killers. He despises Apple with a passion. He works for Nokia now, so call him one of those diehard Nokians.

    Oh come on now, we were talking about affordable Smart phones vs a Premium Smart phone. Let's keep this topic to real smart phones please, we know Nokia isn't in this market lol.

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  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 03:15 AM
    Never going to happen. Just wait till 2am when my posts become even more incoherent than usual.

    EDIT - Don't everybody else do what conditionals just tried to do. A few people did it last Tuesday night and we broke the internet.

    what time is it in the Gong now?

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  • Thor Chris Hemsworth

  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 10:27 AM
    PS: if you look more closely at Apple's 3Q numbers, you'll see that desktop sales were relatively flat: the growth was in laptops.

    As we should expect. Laptops are where the growth is in the PC market today, period. I'd expect Apple's desktop sales to jump in the next couple of quarters, after Adobe ships the Intel version of CS. A lot of users in the pro market are waiting for this.

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  • ArtOfWarfare
    Sep 28, 01:15 PM
    No screening room (http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/2859/xxapple1984.jpg)?

    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 15, 03:18 PM
    Gay suffrage? Wow i never knew gays were denied the right to vote! :eek:


    I'm not sure how many gay threads this forum can take in 1 day.

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 15, 07:55 PM
    Google should have seen this coming long ago.

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  • Thor (Chris Hemsworth) tries

  • reallynotnick
    Apr 25, 04:30 PM
    As an owner of a 4.3in EVO (came from the original iPhone), I have to say I welcome a larger screen on the iPhone, though I admit 4.3in is quite large. I figure 3.7-4in is the sweet spot.

    Jan 15, 11:10 PM
    I suppose those who do not want to pay for the new iPod touch apps also will not want to pay for OS X 10.6 when it comes out, or iWork and iLife '09. Those apps were not included with the product when it shipped, and they bought the product knowing that such apps were not included. These are just additional apps whose development costs Apple has to defray in some way, just as it charges for OS X and other software upgrades.

    And nobody is forcing you to buy them if you don't think it's worth your $20.

    I also suspect that those who purchased an iPod Touch in the last 2 weeks will likely be able to get the upgrade for a nominal fee.

    Mar 24, 03:35 PM
    HBD, OS X!


    Oops... Try again:



    Apr 25, 02:02 PM
    That's an awful idea. Posts will get downrated because someone disagrees with a perfectly valid opinion? I've already seen posts downrated because someone said they prefer Android over Apple or had a good thing to say about Microsoft. Hell, I'd probably get downrated just for my avatar.

    As long as people are going to act like little children, using these ratings to hide posts is a horrible idea.

    Then if that is the worry, you should remove the negative aspect and disallow anyone from "potentially acting like children."

    Apr 29, 01:14 PM
    Hope Lion comes with my sandybridge mba :D

    I hope something besides SB IGP comes with that MBA too:p

    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    Common sense.

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