Sunday, May 29, 2011

funny inspirational posters

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  • Funny. Tags: anti-motivational

  • rockosmodurnlif
    Mar 28, 04:40 PM
    1) Do you want to make things that are "insanely great".


    2) Do you want to make the most amount of money?

    Because my understanding of awards is that they are usually given to encourage and reward the best, not the best of a subset, but the best of all.

    If the majority of previous award winners are NOT in the app store, it would suggest that these awards will NOT be to encourage or reward the best, but rather as a cynical marketing tool. So what is it Apple, are you cynical marketeers, or are you creators of and encouragers of that which is insanely great?
    Are "insanely great" & "making money" mutually exclusive?

    The majority of the 2009 winners are not in the App Store per the developers choice. There were no awards in 2010. It's obvious this is Apple's game. If there were an App Store in the majority of those apps would not have won.

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  • mdntcallr
    Oct 18, 03:24 PM
    Please, this conversation is so 2005...

    Optware also plans to release a holographic disk product for streaming video that's targeted at the film and broadcast industries, and a consumer disk product that is about the size of a credit card with 30GB of capacity.

    hah, so funny, but then again, it has taken alot of time to make blu-ray hope this could come faster.

    but.... it all depends on pricing. will holographic storage be cheaper? more reliable.

    if so... sign me up. alot of us just want reliable storage.

    but... with turner movies using it. sounds like a professional tier product, not consumer yet

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  • any funny inspirational

  • phineas
    Oct 6, 01:20 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    I believe the way to say it is LTE, which boils down to GSM and yes there supposed to start in 2010

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  • Funny Motivational Posters

  • alent1234
    Apr 8, 02:03 PM
    Probably in the form of "bundles" where you're required to buy an iPad with their special accessory packs just so they can push overpriced accessories out of the door.

    and don't forget the yearly cleaning that's a $199 value

    funny inspirational posters. Demotivational Posters | Funny
  • Demotivational Posters | Funny

  • spencers
    Apr 7, 09:08 AM
    Purchased another "ticket" to have my brother partake in this event with me as he is going to be visiting at just the right dates!

    That and another helmet so that I can give him back his motorcycle helmet.

    Rock on! In the E30?

    I'm going up to Little Rock (Arkansas) for their regions SCCA autocross event on April 17. They don't preregister anymore so I can't really chalk it up as a "purchase" yet :o

    funny inspirational posters. motivational posters funny.
  • motivational posters funny.

  • Teddy's
    Jan 13, 03:24 PM
    That's so childish. I hope somebody sue their asses off. Gizmondo did something like "" I don't know.

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  • motivational-posters-funny-13.

  • MOFS
    Mar 13, 12:18 PM
    So you mean computing won't be "Input, Process, Output, Storage" but something else ?

    You failed to see any of my points. Tablets are not some kind of "future change to computers!", tablets are very much computing devices utilizing the same concepts and ideas that have been the very core of the industry for the last 50 years.

    Touch based computer ? It's still input and input is just that, input. It doesn't matter whether is touch, keyboards, mice, network, voice, biometrics. Input is input.

    A lot of you people want to see a massive change where frankly there isn't any. A new type of device doesn't somehow make everything different. It can just be a "new type of device", something the computer industry of the last 50 years has seen plenty of.

    Read my post again carefully, you'll see that I already addressed all your points. Don't just respond to me without even understanding what I'm talking about and at least trying to counteract my points if you're going to try to contradict me.

    For me, I do see the iPad (and actually the App Store) as a change in computing. By removing the complex processes that we go through in a computer (eg instead of downloading an app, moving it into a folder, deleting the dmg its a simple case of downloading the app), the iPad is changing our computer experience by simplifying it to the extent that it's only the part we want to use rather than need to use. The iPad and the App Store process have the potential to kickstart and similarly drastic change in computing as moving from a line based OS to a GUI. In this case, "input is not input": a GUI opened up computers to more than just programmers, and the simplified OSs of the iPad (and, as we can see, creeping into Mac OS Lion) will only help people using these actually really quite complex devices. It will happen, as we can see it happening as Apple and Google look to move the "computer" into phones and televisions. Some people will want different devices (servers etc) but increasingly I think the computer is moving away from the idea of a desktop PC.

    funny inspirational posters. funny inspirational posters.
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  • iMacThere4Iam
    Apr 8, 05:05 PM
    Thanks for the perspective, BBEmployee. The truth is always in the details.

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  • What are Motivational Posters?

  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 29, 07:52 PM
    As far as the look goes ? Yes. As far as the architecture behind it goes ? No (gone is the fake transluscency hacks of Rasterman and Enlightenment and in are the compositing extensions). Context man, I see your break from MacRumors didn't teach you to stick to context. :rolleyes:

    Well your two comments are linked.

    Also !@#$ context.

    funny inspirational posters. [tags: funny, motivational
  • [tags: funny, motivational

  • WeegieMac
    Mar 18, 01:17 PM
    Yeah, it's a shame the new phone comes with some baggage:

    Shaped like a brick
    Drops calls (antenna design)
    Shatters when you drop it
    Tired old OS

    ..but it's still desirable over all the other phones.

    Apple can fix some of these issues this summer, if they're not too smug to get off their high horse.

    Might want to climb off your own first, old boy ...

    funny inspirational posters. inspirational posters funny.
  • inspirational posters funny.

  • ritmomundo
    Mar 18, 03:37 PM
    Thats some pretty narrow minded thinking there buddy. I'm just posting about some harassment I've been experiencing because of the phone I've purchased and was wondering if other iPhone owners have experienced it, and by judging from the responses a lot have. I already feel great about my purchase, and I haven't been here long enough to know if the users are fanboys. Judging from the responses I'd say these guys seem pretty fair. Pretty judgemental and silly post in my opinion.

    I couldn't exactly call myself an Apple 'fanboy' either. If HTC made a better phone I'd gladly go pick it up, but I'm simply posting my experiences.

    iPhone users want to believe they've got the best thing out there, so sometimes you could misinterpret comments or even compliments as "harassment." If people were really jealous of iPhone users, what is stopping them from buying an iPhone? Its not like it costs more, or something only select VIPs are privy to. In fact, many android phones cost more than the iPhone. Most people buy based on their needs (and android phones do offer a lot of features that the iphone doesnt). Some people (including some iphone owners I know) buy just to follow the crowd.

    Based on your posts in this thread, and the fact that you think people are really jealous of your iphone, yeah, I'd say you're an Apple fanboy.

    funny inspirational posters. Motivational posters,
  • Motivational posters,

  • twoodcc
    Aug 17, 06:55 PM
    Hmm, I have a machine with 3 cards and one of them runs at 90c while the others run at 70+. the other machine with 3 cards all run at 70c

    at least that is runable. my system will crash once the one card gets to 104-105C

    That is weird :confused:

    yeah it is. i've closed the case, but it's still laying down

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  • funny motivational poster with

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 27, 08:21 PM
    :pthey are ones i already had: GTX 260, GSX 250, 9800 GT x 2 (the energy efficient ones, single slot, i got on sale for $70 each)

    the processor is an i7 930 actually. i have it overclocked to 3.5 ghz right now. i didn't have time to really mess with all the settings like i wanted.

    i personally think VMs are great, but it does depend if your system can handle the heat of running GPUs and a bigadv unit. right now this system isn't even in a case

    Cool, glad you had them.

    I know what you mean about OC'ing waiting to see if it will stay up or crash each time you change something. I was looking at CPUZ on my i7 and I guess I did get it to stay at 3.2Ghz but with 3 gpu's on it I'm not going to try bigadv on it.

    I still have 4 boards not in cases - in the basement - getin' kind of dusty too :D but they were cheap and don't need any special cooling, they do fine like that. However I may retire them before too long as I decided to go ahead and get an i7 980x to do some bigadv units on. :rolleyes: I think it should do better than my Mac Pro. I hope. The board has 2 x16 slots for gpu's - when I can afford a pair of GTX 480's :p

    funny inspirational posters. funny motivational posters.
  • funny motivational posters.

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 02:58 AM
    Keep going... All 13th September:

    5am - New Zealand
    3am - Eastern Australia
    2:30am - Central Australia
    1am - Western Australia

    Zealund?? :confused:


    funny inspirational posters. FUNNY INSPIRATIONAL POSTERS

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 02:51 AM
    From engadget (as i couldn't be bothered to look them up myself :P)

    7:00AM - Hawaii
    10:00AM - Pacific
    11:00AM - Mountain
    12:00PM - Central
    1:00PM - Eastern
    5:00PM - GMT
    6:00PM - London
    7:00PM - Paris
    2:00AM - Tokyo (September 13th)

    i think the same question about start times across the world is gonna be asked a LOT today! maybe someone needs to put this in a more visible position?

    funny inspirational posters. motivational posters funny.
  • motivational posters funny.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 01:19 AM
    So? How exactly will this affect you personally? Sounds like an imaginary demon. What exactly is your fear? Will some harm come to you?

    Why does it need to be encrypted? For what purpose?

    Ok. But for what purpose? To what end?

    What exactly do you think will be done with that information? Will you be tracked and abducted? What will be done with information that showed you were like 10km near your local Target outlet? Is this critical, private information about you?

    From what I can piece together (sometimes your grammar is shockingly bad), you're saying Apple is less up-front about collecting (*allegedly*) information that is otherwise harmless.

    And here I am thinking this was something actually worth worrying about.

    Targeted, personalized advertising. LOL. BIG FRIGGIN CONCERN!!

    I see that you truly are worshiping Apple there.
    You bashed Google Buzz on their stuff there but turn around and find this completely ok.

    There is another thread I sited a long list of examples of issues with it.
    But clearly you already have sold your soul to Apple.

    funny inspirational posters. funny motivational posters.
  • funny motivational posters.

  • kdarling
    May 2, 07:44 PM
    I really don't see the point. If you wanted to install your own "homebrew" apps without using the App Store, you can already do so by using "ad-hoc deployment" or joining the Enterprise Developer Program. Either option makes rolling out your own apps simple.

    1) I think you're really missing one whole point of jailbreaking, which is to allow officially unsupported modifications such as widgets on the lockscreen.

    2) The Dev Programs cost money, which a lot of home developers don't want to spend. Even personal ad-hoc is going to cost $100 a year just to allow an app to run on your own and friends' devices.

    After five years, that'll be $500 just to keep your app(s) running, something that costs almost nothing to do on other systems for eternity... not to mention the pain of keeping dev profiles up to date on your friends' devices.

    As pointed out before, that's one reason why the Apple App Store is so full of junk. Many home developers post their personal apps in the Store just so they won't have to babysit the devices of everyone they know.

    funny inspirational posters. MOTIVATIONAL POSTERS: THE BEST

  • bense27
    Aug 3, 06:40 PM
    just the fact that its name is the "Argo" tells you that its not posing a threat to iPods.

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  • funny motivational poster.

  • MacintoshKat
    Apr 16, 11:26 PM
    Not only are they fake, but they're ugly.

    The SD slot is huge, it'd make the iPhone "4G" comparable to the Dell Mini 5 or whatever it's called.

    The aluminum bezel works for the iPad, and the similar design on the MacBooks. But on the iPhone? Not only would it be uncomfortable to hold for long amounts of time, but the GSM frequencies AT&T uses has a hard time going through simple walls, half the time. How would anyone expect five bars at any given time?

    With Verizon, yes, the CDMA does much better at relaying frequencies through objects, but there again, what about current AT&T customers? Do we keep AT&T, get switched over, or does Apple manage the two?

    Apr 6, 11:47 PM
    @Evoken, we haven't seen the full features list yet for Lion. That's going to be announced at WWDC.

    The rest here isn't directed to you, just my opinion of what Lion is supposed to be.

    If we consider Lion to be an improvement/refinements to Snow Leopard, it's already an impressive update, just like Snow Leopard was to Leopard. The slight changes in the UI are noticeable over Snow Leopard. The animations, the buttons, scrollbars gives Lion a refresh of the current interface.

    The Mac App Store isn't a feature for Lion, it has nothing to do with Lion. It's just another Mac App that's bundled with Lion just like Mail/iChat.

    Full Screen Mode is just an interface API which are useful for some people on the Airs and laptops. Some people only use one app for a few hours, and the full screen mode can be useful for them.

    Auto-save is a big feature because it changes the way the applications save the files for you in the background. You no longer have to worry about saving in case of a crash and you can now just close/quit the app and return from the same state with auto-resume feature, basically the same way apps work in the background on the iOS platform. Imagine the ability to work on a big project in Numbers or Keynote and you just want to close it for now. Come back in an hour, open them again and you're back to where you started an hour ago. No open last file required. It's just a refinement of the "Close App, Open App, Open Last File Used" process.

    Combine Auto-save, auto-resume and Versions, you have a new way of handling files in applications.

    Everybody should set their expectations low for Lion, consider it a refinement of the front end for Leopard while Snow Leopard was a refinement of the backend.

    Apple isn't about new stuff, they're about refining the same stuff in a different way. That's what they have done with iPhone, iPad and soon, Lion. iPhone wasn't the first device with a touchscreen, it was just refined by integrating both software and hardware in a way that it provide a much better interface. Innovations does not mean that it's for brand new ideas/products only, it can also mean an idea/product that's used in a different way.

    Jan 15, 04:05 PM
    This has to be one of the worst Macworld keynotes ever....and there were a couple of stinkers. I mean....where are the new MacBook Pros? Where is a new Mini? Where is an AppleTV with an OPTICAL DRIVE! Nowhere to be seen. What do we get? A new laptop where they charge us more and give us less. I mean...when was the last time Apple shipped a computer without Firewire??? Please! Hell...they should have saved the Mac Pro announcement for today, to add SOMETHING to the awful show. Maybe then my portfolio wouldn't have taken the dive it did. Come on, Steve, is this the best you can do? Where are these new Apple/Intel devices??? My biggest disappointment is the lack of Blu-Ray though. I mean, no new iPod? No new iPhone. I mean....I don't need anything HUGE, just some storage increases. Bad....bad bad bad.

    Apr 17, 02:04 AM
    Google is finding out just how difficult it is to negotiate with record labels. :pMy thoughts exactly.

    Apr 25, 01:00 PM
    What is the hole above the ear piece?

    Apr 8, 02:42 PM
    More sensationalist "reporting" from another tech blog. Best Buy has been known for holding hot items (game consoles, etc.) for Sunday flyer promotions, for years. It was obvious that was what was going on here.

    But no, Tech-Crunch-Gear-Whatever has to drag Apple, even Tim Cook into it. What a bunch of gossip rags... it's embarrassing.:eek:

    Hey, then Mac*Rumours* is equally a gossip rag for posting such stories in the first place! ;-)

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