Sunday, May 29, 2011

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  • wovel
    Mar 28, 04:00 PM
    So..What great App you all feel is going to be excluded by this change? I did not see anything from last years winners that could not be in the app store if the developer wanted.

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  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Mar 24, 03:03 PM
    Happy Birthday now there should be a party

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  • Kilamite
    Apr 15, 12:19 PM
    If they are real, following the iPad style of back.

    Missing a flash though, which is a consistent rumour.

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  • Shannighan
    Apr 8, 09:42 AM

    Return that. I'll send you my BD for free.

    EDIT: Actually I just saw you are in Germany, you can still have it if you pay shipping, but I don't know if it will work because of country restrictions...


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  • Digitalclips
    Dec 14, 07:45 AM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    Oh you mean the problem they have actually done nothing about (other than a perceptual one to show weak signal strength more accurately) and yet the iPhone 4 doesn't seem to have any such issue now?

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  • adouglas2001
    Jan 15, 04:11 PM
    Everyone is harping on the MacBook Air because of it's lack of ports or an optical drive, but at the end of the day people are still going to want to buy it. It's a nice product.

    I agree. It's a machine for a particular kind of user, one who values portability above all else. Looked at that way instead of from the "gee, it lacks...." point of view, it makes a lot of sense.

    What often gets lost in these wish-list, "it should be easy to do THIS" discussions is the reality that all machines are compromises. What we get is driven by a lot of factors far beyond what is theoretically possible in a perfect world. Parts availability, cost of manufacture, market forces, engineering tradeoffs, etc. etc.

    You need ports and an internal optical drive? You'll just have to live with a chassis big enough to hold them. Like that oh-so-CLUNKY (I mean it's a whole INCH thick! Horrors!), terribly obsolescent, dinosaur-like MacBook Pro. :rolleyes:


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  • ilpap
    Apr 29, 03:39 PM
    been using Lion since DP1 as my main OS without problems

    me too

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  • WeegieMac
    Mar 18, 02:55 AM
    But people actually seem to hate Apple because they can't afford their products. Most of them admitted that had the iPhone been cheaper they'd buy one, hence they can't afford it so they are bitter.

    Nail. Hit. On. The. Head.

    In personal experience, most of the Apple "haters" I've known have fallen into the category if they could afford an Apple product, then they wouldn't hate.

    Hating something is easier than openly admitting "I want that but cannot afford it", so by creating a hate figure out of the company/products, it makes it easier for the person to "accept" that they will never own the product they secretly lust after.


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  • texasmafia
    Nov 24, 06:57 PM
    I'm wondering the same thing.

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  • apachie2k
    Sep 12, 07:21 AM
    Will we be able to watch this event live? How will coverage (if there will be any) be brought to us?

    through mac rumors of course...


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  • T'hain Esh Kelch
    Oct 11, 09:26 AM
    I really hope the Zune becomes a real competitor and threat to Ipod. I am sick of apple sitting on their ass and giving us minimal improvements to the ipod. I want a wide screen, good battery life, THIN and sleek and sturdy. I will not buy a zune but I hope this pushes apple to bring us the goddamn widescreen ipod. :mad:
    Don't get your hopes up too high, since the iPod's screen is the same resolution as the Zune, it has better battery than the Zune and its thinner than the Zune.

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  • iGary
    Sep 26, 04:56 PM
    After all of the comments about how great Aperture ran, and considering how crappy it was running on mine, I decided to take into the Apple Store.

    The video card is defective and they are replacing it. No wonder my experience with the program stunk.



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  • z4n3
    Mar 25, 05:25 AM
    CD still working! you have to love the system requirements :eek:

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  • Popeye206
    Jan 15, 04:16 PM
    One thing I think people need to keep in mind about the MB Air... it's NOT a replacement laptop or a replacement workstation!

    Stop looking for the big power and flexibility! It's a product designed for the road warrior. Someone that is always on the road and needs a light but functional laptop will find the Air useful and not a bad value compared to others on the market in the category.

    People should look at the MB Air as a technology demonstration of whats possible and what will come in the future to more laptops... I'm guessing the next MB's and MB Pros are going to be thinner and have solid state drives as an option.

    All I'm saying is keep it in perspective... the MB Air is NOT FOR EVERYONE!


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  • toonerh
    Oct 28, 03:06 PM
    Actually, Apple has never gotten around to posting the 10.4.8 sources on their Darwin web page. The involved found it on an intermediate page that has all recent stuff and allows html directory list (normally disabled).

    Nothing has changed for 3 weeks.

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  • Rt&Dzine
    May 4, 03:27 PM
    The hypocrisy from those of you on the left on this issue is pretty clear. If this was the GLBTA trying to pass a similar law regarding homosexuality, etc. you'd have no problem with it.

    Because being a homosexual is just like owning a gun. They're both choices. :rolleyes:


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  • hob
    Jan 9, 01:35 PM
    Command + R are my new friends. Although I'm not sure they like me hitting them so much... :rolleyes:

    Oh, and in reply to the guy who is going to give up at 8,

    please don't put spoilers on here if you do take a look. That would not make me happy after all this waiting! :)
    You think I'd be that harsh?! I'm almost offended :P

    I'm just trying this this time round... not sure I'll want to do it again. But maybe... depends how good the pay-off is in comparison. I have a feeling the stream will be horrendous to watch until tomorrow at the earliest... Which I can't wait for!

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  • coder12
    Apr 25, 03:11 PM
    iPhone nano mock-up?

    Image (

    Nope, that's the new iPod touch ;)

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  • bugfaceuk
    Apr 29, 05:43 PM
    Or the new MacBook Air and all other Macs will move to 4GB standard.

    You can use it with 2GB but it is not a very good experience, even with a just handful of Apps open.

    It's WAY too early to judge Lion's memory consumption. In my experience, only the final GM build (unsurprisingly) has ever had even a remotely similar memory profile to the final product experience.

    Jul 24, 11:52 PM

    Wait for it, it's a nag strip, but sooo worth it.

    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.

    iOS v Android
    May 3, 02:04 PM
    Why is it that Google always touts how open is so good, then they realize that, oh, guess we should tighten things up a bit, maybe being too open is not such a good thing.

    this has nothing to do with google or openess. it is the carriers restricting access to the apps. This is the carriers and their policies. They see the apps as a threat to the plans they sell so they blocked them

    Jan 15, 01:29 PM
    I was somewhat disappointed. The only thing I really got excited about was the MacBook Air and the iPhone update. I said the same thing about last years MacWorld, it left me wanting more...i.e. "One more thing..."

    Mar 4, 06:31 PM
    All anyone has to remember in a liberal vs conservative discussion is one simple fact: There has been no law ever initiated by conservatives to help working class citizens. All of these ideas- min wage, child labor laws, max hours per week, workplace safety, etc, all spring from liberal thinking, because liberals give a damn. Conservatives as a rule are too worried about who might take their hard earned money. You know the "sorry we just can't afford it" argument.

    Hey, I believe you and know what you say is true.

    When you corner him on such a topic, he will just spout out concurrences or dissents which tend to support his point of view. And if interpreted in a creative way, one can say the GOP has sometimes sided with workers. But that's a very old GOP and not the neo-cons of today.

    Oct 10, 11:58 PM
    At this point, ill believe it when it happens

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